- Antony's Parthian War
Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Mark Antony's campaigns againstParthia
partof=theRoman–Parthian Wars
date= 40–33 BC
place=Asia Minor ,Syria , northernMesopotamia ,Media Atropatene
result=strategic draw, ended by formal peace in 20 BC
combatant1=Roman Republic and vassals:Judea ,Galatia ,Cappadocia ,Pontus
combatant2=Parthian Empire
commander1=Mark Antony Publius Ventidius Bassus
commander2=Pacorus Quintus Labienus
casualties2=Antony's Parthian War or the Roman-Parthian War of 40-33 BC was a conflict following the
Battle of Carrhae , between theRoman Republic , represented in the East by the triumvirMark Antony , and theParthia ns.Caesar , after ensuring victory in his civil war, planned a campaign into theParthian Empire after a brief pacification ofDacia . After his assassination, theSecond Triumvirate usurped power in Rome in amilitary dictatorship . After the defeat of Caesar's assassins at theBattle of Philippi , Caesarian rule over the Republic was effectively ensured. Shortly after, however, with the triumvirs preoccupied with the revolt ofSextus Pompeius inSicily , Parthia attacked Roman-controlled Syria and the client kingdom ofJudea . Itshigh priest and ruler,Hyrcanus , was overthrown, tortured and sent as prisoner toSeleucia , and the pro-Parthian usurperAntigonus was installed in his place.In
Anatolia , the Parthians allied withQuintus Labienus , son of Caesar's general and later antagonistTitus Labienus , penetrating deep into the west and defeating a Roman army underDecidius Saxa . They were however defeated in turn by a veteran army led byPublius Ventidius Bassus , who drove the invaders from Roman territory.With the aid of
Mark Antony , prime triumvir and lover of EgyptianPtolemaic queenCleopatra VII , the son-in-law of Hyrcanus,Herod , returned to Judea and recapturedJerusalem in37 BC . Antony then went on to attack the Parthian Empire itself, marching intoAtropatene (present-dayIranian Azerbaijan ) with some 100,000legion aries, aided by the Roman client kings in Armenia,Galatia ,Cappadocia and sovereignPontus . The campaign proved a disaster however, after a Roman slipup atPhraaspa , capital of Atropatene, and thousands of Romans and auxiliaries died during the retreat due to the cold winter.Antony later went on to annex
Armenia , afraid the kingdom would seek Parthian support, but the war didn't end formally until20 BC , by a peace made byAugustus , ensuring the return of the captured legionary eagles of Crassus' and Saxa's armies, Antony's main excuse for the invasion of Parthia proper.
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