- Saint-Romain-le-Puy
French commune|nomcommune=Saint-Romain-le-Puy
maire=Gabriel Ronze
alt moy=407 m
alt mini=366 m
alt maxi=524 m
date-dens=1999Saint-Romain-le-Puy or Le Puy is a French commune situated in the department of
Loire and theRhône-Alpes region. The town is located 8 Km fromMontbrison along the D8. It was originally built on the volcanic peak ("le puy"), but has since migrated to the plain.Local industries include Mineral Waters (François Parot, a public works entrepreneur sunk a well in 1858) and Glassmaking (Saint-Gobain-Emballage factory founded in 1893). Agriculture includes beef rearing, dairying and wine-growing.
Its inhabitants are known as "Saint-Romanais".
The commune is twinned with
Monte San Biagio (Italy ).Geography
Le Puy itself is of volcanic origin and the surrounding plain of Forez has basaltic conglomerates. Wells have been sunk to exploit the naturally sparkling mineral waters.
Le Puy is located on the Roman road, the "Bolène Way", linking
Lyon (Lugdunum ) toBordeaux (Burdigala ), which was constructed during the reign of the emperorAugustus , by his son-in-lawAgrippa . It is also on the Gallo-Roman way from Sury to Changy. These roads were later reused by pilgrims toSantiago de Compostela .About 500, Carétène (aunt of Saint Clotilde the wife of
Clovis ) replaced a temple of Venus (famous for a bath of youth utilising the areas' mineral springs) by a Christian church dedicated to Saint Michael.Guy II de Forez, the feudal lord of Saint-Romain-le-Puy, was the vassal of Louis VII. In 1173, the fief of Saint-Romain was transferred from the Abbey of Ainay to the County of Lyon.
In 1218, Count Guy IV de Forez, gave the Priory (founded in 1007) into the care of the religious of Saint-Thomas-les-Nonnains.
There was longstanding conflict between the chateau and the priory.
In 1431, the town was pillaged by "
routiers " underRodrigo de Villandrando on orders from the Crown as part of the quashing of a "jacquerie ".In 1531, Forez passed from the control of the Dukes of Bourbon to the Crown of France.
In 1633, the surrounding town wall was destroyed by order of Richelieu.
World War I , the town lost 102 soldiers.Demography
Places and monuments
* Gallo-Roman villa at the nearby Chézieux;
* Priory of Saint-Romain-le-Puy 10th century to 14th century. Fortified priory on a hill, founded by Abbey of Ainay. Historic Monument;
* Château de La Bruyère and its outbuildings are late 18th century - early 19th century. The current castle was started in 1792 by Damian Battant de Pomerol, a lawyer in Montbrison, and was completed about 1803. Quid mentions that a castle in the town was referred to in the 12th century. Historic Monument - protected elements include the pigeon loft, roofing, salon and interior décor. There is also a fine park. Ref: E. Salomon, Les châteaux historiques de Forez, In-4, 1926, t. I, p66-70;
* Parish church of Saint-Martin was built by Bouchetal at the very end of the reign of Conrad the Peaceful, king of Bourgogne-Provence 937 - 983 and was placed under the authority of the Abbey of Ainay inLyon . The exterior has some Celtic symbols such as the swastika and horned feet. It is a successor to the church of Saint-Michael founded by Carétène.Notable people with links to the commune
ee also
Communes of the Loire département External links
All sites in French, unless otherwise indicated.
* [http://www.mairie-saintromainlepuy.fr/ Site of the Mayor's Office]
* [http://aldebertus.com/ Photographs of the Priory]
* [http://hubert.houdoy.perso.cegetel.net/sarolepu.htm History of Forez]
* [http://www.aquamania.net/fvisiteparot.htm A visit the Parot mineral water factory]
* [http://www.recensement.insee.fr/RP99/rp99/co_navigation.co_page?nivgeo=C&codgeo=42285&theme=ALL&typeprod=ALL&lang=FR&quelcas=LISTE Census data for Saint-Romain-le-Puy on the INSEE site]
* [http://www.ign.fr/affiche_rubrique.asp?rbr_id=1087&CommuneId=41468 Saint-Romain-le-Puy on the Institut Géographique National site]
* [http://www.meteo-consult.fr/ter/france/prevision/detail.php?ville=Saint-Romain-Le-Puy&num_ville=5041 Weather for Saint-Romain-le-Puy]
* [http://alize2.finances.gouv.fr/communes/eneuro/tableau.asp?icom=285&dep=042&type=BPS¶m=0 Financial Data for Saint-Romain-le-Puy from the Ministry of the Economy, Finances and Industry]
* [http://www.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/merimee_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_98=INSEE&VALUE_98=42285 Ministry of Culture site]
* [http://www.clochers.org/Fichiers_HTML/Accueil/Accueil_clochers/42/accueil_42285.htm Belltower of Parish Church]
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/ResultatProximiteCoord.php?RadLat1=0.794997474283417&RadLong1=0.0718493933581974 Closest communes to Saint-Romain-le-Puy]
* [http://www.quid.fr/communes.html?mode=query&req=Saint-Romain-le-Puy Saint-Romain-le-Puy on the Quid site] (Note: requires payment for detailed information)Map Links
* [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/sylvain.chardon/locom/loc_listcomd42.htm?code_insee=42285 Map and list of communes of the Loire]
* [http://www.viamichelin.co.uk/viamichelin/gbr/dyn/controller/mapPerformPage?strAddress=&strCP=&strLocation=Saint-Romain-le-Puy&strCountry=1424&image2.x=28&image2.y=7 Map of Saint-Romain-le-Puy on Michelin (in English)]
* [http://www.ign.fr/affiche_rubrique.asp?rbr_id=863&mis_id=A01S00652&com_id=41468 Map of Saint-Romain-le-Puy on the Institut Géographique National site]
* [http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&searchtype=address&country=FR&addtohistory=&address=&city=Saint-Romain-le-Puy&zipcode= Map of Saint-Romain-le-Puy on Mapquest (in English)]
* [http://www.gencom.org:2325/cgi-bin/Communes/Cgi/cassini.cgi?CARTE=87&LOCAL=HW%20&INSEE3=42285&NOM=Saint-Romain-le-Puy Saint-Romain-le-Puy on the Cassini map]
* [http://www13.mappy.com/sid6Eo5J0UIeVjMn21w/CFGMA?poi_rr=0.5&poi_rx=0.6&poi_ry=0.5&csl=m1&fsl=m1&gsl=m1&msl=m1&xm1=&ym1=&temp_no_prop=0&comment=&xsl=1&out=2&wnm1=&wcm1=&nom1=&tcm1=45623%3Ba10m1%3D&tnm1=&pcm1=42610&ccm1=250 Map of Saint-Romain-le-Puy on Mappy (in English)]
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/ResultatLocalisation.php?InseeVille=420285 Location of Saint-Romain-le-Puy on a map of France]
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/Departement42Loire.html Calculate straight-line distance from Saint-Romain-le-Puy to other towns in the Loire]
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