- Casey Jason Crosby
Casey Jason Crosby (born November 26, 1969 in Long Beach, California) is an internationally known American Pianist/Keyboardist/English Educator, from Syracuse, New York,who is currently living and performing in Europe.
His debut into the National Music scene began when he was invited to join the "voice of Syracuse" Roosevelt Dean and the Spellbinders Blues Band in 1996.With that exposure came a stint with New York blues guitar legend, Tino Gonzalez, and tours with various New York and Pennsylvania acts Eternal Riddim, The George Wesley Band, and the U.S Army Orchestra.
From August 2000 to present, Casey has lived in Krakow, Poland, Dublin, Ireland ,Milan , Italy and Leipzig, Germany,where he has performed and recorded regularly with such Artists as bassist Pawel Maciewoda,(from German band Scorpians) song writer/keyboardist Gilbert Gabrial,( The Dream Academey) Vocalist Liam Macmhurri,(Liam Macmhurri Band, LAPD, Marillion)drummer Atma Anur (David Bowie, Blues Mobile,) bassist Kristof Bodzon,(Little Egoists, World Trans System) guitarist Jarek Smietana, bassist Steve Logan(former Aretha Franklin bass player) Jameriqui, Sheryl Crow, Gasoline, and is a founding member of the band Simeon Lenoir World Trans System, of whom he is presently writing, recording and performing with. In September, 2008, Casey moved to Zurich, Switzerland, to take a break from full time music and finish a book of Conversation Lessons for English as a second Language(esl) learning.
www.myspace/simeonlenoirworldtranssystem.comwww.myspace/liammacmhurriband.comwww.soulbro.prv.plwww.tinnituscd.dewww.zurcher unerlander casey crosbyratemyteacher.ie our ladys grove goatstown
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