- E-infinity theory
"E" infinity theory is a
fractal cosmology model made by M. S. El Naschie beginning in 1994 [ [http://elnaschie.com/bilder/file/4.%20Is%20quantum%20space%20a%20random%20Cantor%20set.pdf Is Quantum Space a Random Cantor Set with a Golden Mean Dimension at the Core?"] ] . This models aharmonic production ofquarks andelementary particles through agolden section centered Cantorianfractal spacetime .The crucial step in "E" infinity formulation was to identify the stormy ocean-like behavior of quantum spacetime with
vacuum fluctuation and using the mathematical tools ofnon-linear dynamics ,complexity theory , andchaos . In particular, the geometry ofchaotic dynamics , namelyfractal geometry , is reduced to its quintessence, (i.e., Cantor sets) and employed directly inthe geometrical description of the fluctuation of thevacuum ."E" infinity theory admits formally infinite-dimensional ‘‘real’’ spacetime. However this infinity is hierarchical in a strict mathematical way and is able to show that although "E" infinity has formally infinitely many dimensions, seen from a distance, i.e., at low
resolution or equivalently at low energy, it mimics the appearance of afour-dimensional spacetimemanifold which has only four dimensions. Thus, the four dimensionality is aprobabilistic statement, a so-calledexpectation value . It is remarkable that theHausdorff dimension of thistopologically four dimensional-like ‘‘pre’’ manifold is also a finite value equal to the cube of golden mean (4,236...). [ [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TJ4-4909B2J-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=e33a99a194728bf5002783dc13e050c6 A review of "E" infinity theory and the mass spectrum of high energy particle physics] ]ee Also
Fractal cosmology
*Fractal time References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.