- Southernization
The idea of southernization comes from the observation that "Southern" values and beliefs are increasingly taking over the national dialogue in the United States of America. North-American commentators and journalists began using the term in the late 2000s to describe the ongoing cultural changes.
Apart from an arguable suspicion of any form of intellectualism, values and beliefs that are often ascribed to the
American South includereligion (i.e.,creationism /intelligent design ) andpatriotism . Besides the cultural influence, many say that the South has infiltrated the national political stage. [Michiko Kakutani (March 17, 2006). [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/17/books/17book.html "Tying Religion and Politics to an Impending U.S. Decline"] , "The New York Times " book review.] In 1992 the winning presidential ticket consisted of the Governor ofArkansas ,Bill Clinton and a Senator fromTennessee ,Al Gore . Meanwhile the Republican Party underwent their own southernization when more and more Republican leaders called for a low-wage, low-tax, low-investment industrial society. [Richard Bernstein (July 12, 1996). [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C06E2D71139F931A25754C0A960958260&scp=3&sq=southernization&st=cse "BOOKS OF THE TIMES;An Ex-Conservative Indicts the Right"] , "The New York Times".]Today, the American South has more
electoral votes than ever, due to an increase in population. Their increasing influence, however, goes beyond that. Liberal commentators say that "Southernism" has gained prominence under theGeorge W. Bush presidency. They accredit many concepts such as the newfrontierism andjingoism as well as anti-abortionism or anti-international trade sentiments to the American South.Michael Hirsch (April 25, 2008). [http://www.newsweek.com/id/134116 "How the South Won (This) Civil War"] , "Newsweek .]References
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