- Greystone Power Corporation
Greystone Power Corporation is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative dedicated to providing members with the best electric service at the lowest possible rates. Because GreyStone is locally owned and operated, members/consumers receive responsive and focused service 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
Located on the west side of Atlanta ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Service_Area.asp] ), GreyStone Power serves portions of eight metropolitan Atlanta counties including Douglas, Paulding, Fulton, Coweta, Cobb, Fayette, Carroll, and Bartow, some of the fastest growing areas not only in the state but in the nation. GreyStone Power is a non-profit Cooperative incorporated under Georgia law. By-laws adopted by the members set forth membership criteria, member rights and responsibilities, procedures for electing directors and how the non-profit character of the Cooperative is maintained. Territory served by GreyStone is divided into nine geographical districts and each is represented on the Board of Directors ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Board_of_Directors.asp] ) by a Cooperative member residing in that district. Directors' terms of office are staggered to provide that three positions expire annually. Those positions are then filled by election at the Annual Meeting of Members ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Annual_Meeting.asp] ), held each year the second Saturday in October at the Cooperative's main office in Douglasville.
GreyStone Power also provides members with other services, including the opportunity to support Green Power( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Green_Power_Mission.asp] ), the ability to support local community programs and students through Operation Round Up ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Round_Up.asp] ), membership in GEMC Federal Credit Union ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Credit_Union.asp] ), low security rates through EMC Security ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/Security_Home.asp] ), savings on
natural gas through Gas South ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/gassouth.asp] ) and fleet services ( [http://www.greystonepower.com/FleetHome.asp] ).Greystone Board or Directors
Chairman/District 1: Calvin Earwood Vice Chairman/District 2: John Walton Secretary-Treasurer/District 5: Jennifer DeNyse District 3: Charles Rutland District 4: Burnell Redding; District 6: Maribeth Wansley District 7: Milton Jones District 8: Fred Wallace District 9: Ed Garrard President/CEO: Gary A Miller
For more information visit GreyStone Power's web site ( [http://www.greystonepower.com] ).
[Based on information found on GreyStone Power's web site, www.greystonepower.com.] .
[www.greystonepower.com] [http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.georgiaemc.com/graphics/gsgre_map.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.georgiaemc.com/gsgre.asp%3Freference%3Dmap%26section%3Dg&h=251&w=328&sz=15&hl=en&start=1&um=1&usg=__kAjukCRM3oPGHzCo-Sx-Ey0qno0=&tbnid=lZFML0t7yxRY0M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgreystone%2Bpower%2Bcorporation%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN]
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