- Wiggio
company_name = Wiggio
company_type =Privately held company
foundation = 2008
location =Cambridge ,Massachusetts ,United States
industry =web development
products =web application s
num_employees = 4 (2008 )
homepage = [http://www.wiggio.com/ www.wiggio.com]
slogan = "Making it easy to work in groups"Wiggio is a privately held
web application company based inCambridge ,Massachusetts ,United States . The firm was co-founded in2008 by CEO Dana Lampert, Lance Polivy, Rob Doyle, and Derek Doyle as a company with a self-described focus ongroup collaboration , initially focusing on the college market. Wiggio also produces a [http://blog.wiggio.com/ blog] .Lampert and Polivy are 2008
Cornell University graduates who developed their business concept with Cornell's Student Agencies Entrepreneurship Lab ( [http://www.studentagencies.com/info.php?page=elabprevious Elab] ).cite web|title=elab|accessdate=2008-09-17|publisher=Cornell Student Agencies|url=http://www.studentagencies.com/info.php?page=elabprevious]History
According to the website's [http://www.wiggio.com/about.html About] page, Lampert and Polivy say, "As seniors at Cornell, we started Wiggio out of our own frustrations with unnecessarily clogged inboxes, using five different websites for five different functions, and all the other hassles associated with working in groups. We were tired of sending eleven emails back and forth just to set a meeting time. We were tired of that guy who just never knows where and when to be there. We were tired of list-servs, contact lists, phone-chains and incompatibilities. We wanted everything to be in one place, and we wanted it simple. So we created Wiggio."
Lampert and Polivy teamed up with
Web 2.0 program developers and brothers Rob Doyle and Derek Doyle, following an introduction by Marc Lampert, Dana's father. Rob Doyle worked as a consultant to Lampert's firm, Pharmaceutics.Rob Doyle was one of the developers of the first desktop publishing program,
MacPublisher , introduced for the newly introduced AppleMacintosh computer in 1984, while he was an undergraduate atBrown University . Derek Doyle is the main programmer and developer at [http://www.skybuilders.com skyBuilders.com] , where he works with his father,Bob Doyle .Wiggio was introduced to the Cornell campus in Spring 2008 and attracted about 1500 users.
[http://venturebeat.com/2008/09/15/wiggio-makes-collaboration-easier-for-college-students/ VentureBeat] says Wiggio has raised $450,000 in angel funding.cite web|title=investors|accessdate=2008-09-17|publisher=Venture Beat|url=http://venturebeat.com/2008/09/15/wiggio-makes-collaboration-easier-for-college-students/] [http://www.xconomy.com/boston/2008/09/11/wiggio-offers-free-groupware-for-harried-college-students/2/ XConomy.com] says the small group of angel investors are family and friends, including Bob Doyle.cite web|title=xconomy|accessdate=2008-09-17|publisher=boston globe|url=http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/09/08/more_than_one_way_to_get_fit/]
The public beta launch was September 15, 2008. Wiggio had about 5000 users as of September 17, 2008.
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