- Cape Alava
Cape Alava, in Clallam County,
Washington , U.S.A., is the westernmost point in the contiguous 48 states, with a longitude of nowrap|124° 44′ 11.8″ W (during low tide and walking out to the west side of Tskawahyah Island). The westernmost point is located inOlympic National Park and the Ozette Indian Reservation. Cape Alava is accessible via a 3-mile nowrap|(5 km) boardwalk hike from a ranger station in the park.Due to erosion and differences in forms of measurement, it is contested that Cape Blanco in southern
Oregon is the westernmost point in the contiguous 48 states. Its claim as the westernmost point is also disputed because during high tide, Cape Alava is just as far west as nearby Cape Flattery.Name
The cape was named after the Spaniard Don José Manuel de Álava (born in Vitoria,
January 1 ,1743 ) for his role as commissioner during the solution of the conflict of Nootka in 1794. [cite book |last= Phillips |first= James W. |title= Washington State Place Names |year= 1971 |publisher= University of Washington Press |isbn= 0-295-95158-3 |pages= p. 5]History
In early 1834, a Japanese ship, the "
Hojun Maru ", made landfall at Cape Alava after a 14-month drift on the Pacific Ocean. It was supposed to bring rice toEdo , but was then carried away by a storm. At the time of arrival at Cape Alava, only three of its crew were alive. They were then looked after and briefly enslaved byMakah ; see theOtokichi article for more information on this.Geology
The beaches surrounding the trail terminus are composed of a variety of different rock types and formations.The rich mixture is a result of the combined erosive power of the ocean and relatively recent glacial activity. According to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, the area's
sediment s are classified as Unconsolidated Deposition, translating to the geological equivalent of a grab bag. More finely, the deposits are listed as “Quaternary Sediments, Dominantly Glacial Drift, includesalluvium ”. TheQuaternary time period dates to the end of the most recent ice age, roughly 10,000 to 14,000 BCE. A [http://www.dnr.wa.gov/geology/pdf/pagemap.pdf?title=A geologic map of Washington] shows the unique nature of such sediments being exposed to the full grinding force of thePacific Ocean . There are many such areas scattered about thePuget Sound , yet very few areas on the unprotected Washington coast.References
External links
* [http://www.outdoordb.org/index.php?title=Sand_Point Hiking to Cape Alava from OutdoorDB.org] ----
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.