THEOS — es un Sistema Operativo que comenzó como OASIS, un sistema operativo para microordenadores basados en el procesador Z80. Originalmente desarrollado a finales de 1970 por Timothy S. Williams como una alternativa de bajo costo a los mucho más caros … Wikipedia Español
THEOS — THEOS, which transcribes to God in Greek, is an operating system which started out as OASIS, a microcomputer operating system for small computers that use the Z80 processor. Originally written in the late 1970s by Timothy S. Williams as a low… … Wikipedia
THEOS — (Thailand Earth Observation System) ist der erste nationale Erdbeobachtungssatellit der thailändischen Raumfahrtagentur GISTDA (Geoinformatics and Space Technology Development Agency). Er soll Bilder für kartografische, land und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Theos — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Antiochus Theos Dikaios Epiphane Philorhomaios Philhellène (69–40 av. J. C.), fut le roi le plus important du petit royaume de Commagène, situé dans une… … Wikipédia en Français
Theos — (gr.), 1) Gott; 2) das neunte der Astrologischen Häuser (s.u. Haus 9) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
theos — early ME.: see this, these … Useful english dictionary
theos. — 1. theosophical. 2. theosophy. * * * theos. or Theos., 1. theosophical. 2. theosophist. 3. theosophy … Useful english dictionary
Theos Kyrios — (Greek: Θέος Κύριος, God is the Lord ) is a response chanted near the beginning of the Matins service in the Rite of Constantinople, observed by the Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic churches. Theos Kyrios comes after the Great Ektenia… … Wikipedia
Theos Village Apartments — (Като Даратсо,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Main Street, Като Даратсо, 73100 … Каталог отелей
Theos Club Villas 3 — (Полис,Кипр) Категория отеля: Адрес: Latchi, 8852 Полис, Кипр Описание … Каталог отелей