Johann Jakob Bethmann

Johann Jakob Bethmann

, was a German merchant and shipowner.


Johann Jakob was one of three sons of the administrator Simon Moritz Bethmann (1687-1725). After the premature death of their father, the brothers were raised by their maternal uncle "Johann Adami" in Frankfurt am Main. While the brothers Johann Philipp and Simon Moritz established the "Gebrüder Bethmann" bank based on their uncle's inheritance, Johann Jakob moved to Bordeaux in 1740, where he established "Bethmann & Imbert" (since 1779 "Bethmann & fils") as a trading enterprise and shipowning company.

In 1745 Bethmann married the Protestant "Elisabeth Desclaux" (17251785), a Bordeaux native. In 1749 he took Swiss citizenship and in 1758 he became a citizen of Frankfurt am Main [His descendants held fast to the Frankfurt citizenship, down to and including his great-grandson, Alexandre de Bethmann (mayor of Bordeaux from 1867 to 1870) as late as 1841. Source: Weber, p.194, citing Henninger] . In 1768 he was appointed imperial consul for Bordeaux, and in 1776 he was knighted.

Bethmann proved an astute businessman and prospered quickly. Besides trading in goods and merchandise, he was not averse to an engagement in the slave trade and had already secured a guaranty worth 300,000 livres from his brothers in Frankfurt for that purpose before the plan for a joint venture with the Danish West India and Guinea Company was aborted due to business uncertainty. [Weber, p.198, citing Henninger.]

He left his daughter "Katharina Elisabeth" (17531813) in the care of his childless brother Simon Moritz in Frankfurt. There she married in 1769 the merchant "Peter Heinrich Metzler" (17441800), who thenceforth used the surname "Bethmann-Metzler" (subsequently "von Bethmann-Metzler" or "de Bethmann-Metzler") but remained in Frankfurt as a partner in the bank.

Only after Johann Jakob's death, his Frankfurt grandchildren returned to Bordeaux, where the family is still extant.

Johann Jakob Bethmann was a friend of German author Friedrich Melchior Grimm.


External links


* Wolfgang Henninger: "Johann Jakob von Bethmann 17171792. Kaufmann, Reeder und kaiserlicher Konsul in Bordeaux", 2 volumes, Bochum 1993 ISBN 3-8196-0104-X
* --: "Grimms Freund aus Bordeaux. Johann Jakob von Bethmann (17171792)"; in: J. Mondot / C. L'Arriere (ed.), Lumières et commerce. L'exemple bordelais; (=Obras Generales 61); 2000
* Wilhelm Stricker: Bethmann, Johannn Jakob. In: "Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie" (ADB). Vol. 2, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1875, p. 574576.
* Klaus Weber: "Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel, 1680-1830". C.H.Beck, Munich 2004 ISBN 3406518605, 9783406518607

ee also

Bethmann family

NAME = Bethmann, Johann Jakob
ALTERNATIVE NAMES = von Bethmann, Johann Jakob (German); de Bethmann, Jean-Jacob (French)
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Banker and ship owner
PLACE OF BIRTH = Bergnassau
PLACE OF DEATH = Borrdeaux, France

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