- Joseph H. Bearns Prize
The Joseph H. Bearns Prize in Music was established on February 3, 1921 by Lillia M. Bearns, in memory of her father. It was her desire to encourage talented young composers in the United States. The Prize, administered by
Columbia University , is open toUnited States citizens who are at least 18 and no more than 25 years of age, and is divided among larger-form works (orchestral, choral, etc.) and smaller-form works (soli, quartet, sextet, etc.). The Prize is one of the largest given to young American composers, totaling $7200 in 2006.
Past winners of the Bearns Prize include:
*Milton Babbitt (for "Music for the Mass") [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=MGJlAdsK1PsC&pg=PA32&lpg=PA32&dq=milton+babbitt+bearns+-bear&source=web&ots=B3DC9ENx9h&sig=i9W1bh9UZxznQxi8n1HMqUrQETc&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result] ]
* Christopher Bailey (for "Six Songs on Poems of John Monroe") [ [http://www.emcollective.org/chris.html] ]
*Samuel Barber (1929, for "Violin Sonata", and again in 1933, for "School for Scandal Overture") [ [http://www.musicacademyonline.com/composer/biographies.php?bid=94, http://www.classicfm.co.uk/Article.asp?id=212206&spid=9973] ]
*William Bergsma [ [http://www.washington.edu/research/showcase/1963a.html] ]
* Stephen Cabell [ [http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=359099859] ]
* Ronald Caltabiano (1981, 1983) [ [http://www.caltabiano.net/pdf/caltabiano_resume.pdf Ronald Caltabiano's website] ]
* Carlos R. Carrillo [ [http://www.depauw.edu/music/people/faculty/carrillo.asp Carlos R. Carrillo's bio on the DePauw University website] ]
* William Coble [ [http://www.williamcoble.com/biography.html William Coble's website] ]
* Glen Cortese [ [http://www.greeleyphilharmonic.com/subpage.asp?pagename=Music%20Director] ]
*Alvin Curran [ [http://www.alvincurran.com/Curran_bio.html Alvin Curran's website] ]
*Richard Danielpour (1982) [ [http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/ihas/loc.natlib.ihas.200152708/default.html] ]
*Mario Davidovsky [ [http://www.lynndavidnewton.com/music/selah/bearns.html] ]
* Jonathan Dawe [ [http://www.jonathandawe.com/ Jonathan Dawe's website] ]
*Charles Dodge [ [http://astro.temple.edu/~wright/CS/nov9prognotes2.html] ]
* Michael Eckert [ [http://www.uiowa.edu/~music/bios/THEORYmeckert.htm Michael Eckert's biography at the University of Iowa website] ]
* Renee Favand (1995, for "Orpheus. Eurydice. Hermes.") [ [http://www.columbia.edu/cu/record/archives/vol20/vol20_iss31/record2031.24.html Columbia University Record] ]
* Mark Gustavson (1983, for "Textures of Time") [ [http://www.panix.com/~pg/mgustavson/cv.pdf Mark Gustavson's website] ]
*Daron Hagen (1985, for "Trio Concertante") [ [http://www.carlfischer.com/Fischer/hagenbio.html Daron Hagen's bio at the Carl Fischer website] ]
* Mark Hagerty [ [http://www.artsdel.org/information/iafrecipients/2008pdfs/page8.pdf] ]
* William Harvey (for "Cuerpo Garrido") [ [http://www.music.indiana.edu/special_programs/ssa/faculty.shtml] ]
* Joel Hoffman (1975, for "Variations for violin, cello, and harp") [ [http://www.joelhoffman.net/bio.html Joel Hoffman's website] ]
*Stephen Jaffe (1976, for "Four Nocturnes") [ [http://www.presser.com/Composers/info.cfm?Name=STEPHENJAFFE Stephen Jaffe's page at the Presser website] ]
* Pierre Jalbert [ [http://music.rice.edu/facultybios/jalbert.html Pierre Jalbert's page at the Shepherd School of Music]
* Evan Johnson (2006) [ [http://www.evanjohnson.info/bio.htm Evan Johnson's website] ]
* Brooke Joyce (1999) [ [http://brookejoyce.com/ Brooke Joyce's website] ]
*Louis Karchin [ [http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/music/ws_cms/directors.html}]
*Aaron Jay Kernis [ [http://www.american.edu/heintze/Pul1.htm] ]
* Kenneth Lampl [ [http://www.masongross.rutgers.edu/calendar/documents/WINDENSEMBLE-Nov.18.pdf] ]
* Anne LeBaron (1978) [ [http://www.pacouncilonthearts.org/catalog2000/LeBaron.html] ]
* Roland Leich (1933 for "Housman Songs", and 1937 for "String Quartet") [ [http://viennawoodsmusic.com/] ]
* Leonard Mark Lewis (1999) [ [http://www.winthrop.edu/music/lewism.html Bio on Winthrop University website] ]
*Steven Mackey [ [http://www.schirmer.com/default.aspx?TabId=2419&State_2872=2&ComposerId_2872=2919 Bio on the Schirmer website] ]
* Shafer Mahoney [ [http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/music/facultybios/mahoney.shtml Bio on Hunter College website] ]
*Paul Moravec [ [http://www.adelphi.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.php?PID=0059 Faculty Profile at Adelphi University] ]
* Lynn David Newton (1965, for "Sonata for Piano") [ [http://www.lynndavidnewton.com/music/selah/S20.html Lynn David Newton's homepage] ]
* Paul Nordoff (1933, for "Piano Concerto") [ [http://www.nordoff-robbins.com.au/Contents.asp?ID=1}]
* Joshua Penman (2004, for "Aevum") [ [http://www.joshuapenman.com/ Joshua Penman's website] ]
* Daniel Perlongo (for "Seven Pieces") [ [http://www.arts.iup.edu/facmus/perlongo/ Bio on the IUP website] ]
*Tobias Picker [ [http://www.dicapo.com/tobias.htm] ]
* James Primosch (1981) [ [http://www.presser.com/Composers/info.cfm?Name=JAMESPRIMOSCH James Primosch's page on the Presser website] ]
* David Rakowski (1984, for "Violin Concerto") [ [http://home.earthlink.net/~ziodavino/album1_001.htm David Rakowski's website] ]
* Jason Roth (1995, for "Second String Quartet") [ [http://www.columbia.edu/cu/record/archives/vol20/vol20_iss31/record2031.24.html Columbia University Record] ]
* Jake Rundall (2006) [ [http://www.seamusonline.org/conf_2007/program.pdf] ]
* Eric W. Sawyer (1987) [ [https://www.amherst.edu/people/facstaff/ewsawyer Bio on Amherst College website] ]
* Carl Schimmel (1999, for "Capa Cocha") [ [http://www.carlschimmel.com Carl Schimmel's website] ]
*Joseph Schwantner (1967) [ [http://www.renochamberorchestra.org/schwantner.html] ]
*Harold Shapero (1946, for "Symphony for String Orchestra") [ [http://members.tripod.com/~del_arte/composers/shapero.html Harold Shapero's website] ]
* Alexander Sigman (2006) [ [http://www.lxsigman.com/ Alexander Sigman's website] ]
* David Soley [ [http://www.americancomposers.org/oti_conference_bios.html] ]
* Anthony Strilko [ [http://www.nypl.org/research/lpa/mus/pdf/MusStrilko.pdf] ]
* Louise Talma (1932) [ [http://www.omnidisc.com/Talma/Biography.html Louise Talma website] ]
* Bruce Taub (1971, for "Variations") [ [http://www.brucetaub.com/prizes.htm Bruce Taub website] ]
*Reynold Tharp (1996, for "Drift") [ [http://www.music.uiuc.edu/facultyBio.php?id=218 bio on the UIUC website] ]
*Christopher Theofanidis [ [http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/486 Christopher Theofanidis' bio on the Peabody website] ]
*Augusta Read Thomas [ [http://www.augustareadthomas.com/biography.html Augusta Read Thomas' website] ]
*Richard Toensing
* Christopher Trapani [ [http://christophertrapani.com/bio.html Christopher Trapani's website] ]
* Dan Visconti [ [http://www.danvisconti.com/ Dan Visconti's website] ]
* David Ward-Steinman (1959, for "Symphony") [ [http://www.music.indiana.edu/som/composition/faculty.shtml, http://www.dwightwinenger.net/ward-list.htm] ]
*Hugo Weisgall
* Richard Willis (for "Symphony No. 1") [ [http://www.lib.umd.edu/PAL/SCPA/ABA/Ostwald/willis.html] ]
* Cynthia Lee Wong (2004, for "Fates and Furies") [ [http://www.eamusic.org/who/alumni_composition.html] ]
* Maurice Wright (1974) [ [http://www.avantgardeproject.org/agp106/US_Electronic_I.pdf] ]
*Charles Wuorinen (1958, 1959, and 1961) [ [http://www.stokar.com/Wuorinen/CWvitae.htm] ]References
Additional Links
# [http://music.columbia.edu/awards/bearns The Joseph H. Bearns Prize webpage] .
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