- Arthur Besse
Arthur Besse is a
pseudonym chosen by a group of French differential geometers, led byMarcel Berger , following the model ofNicholas Bourbaki . A number of monographs have appeared under the name.Bibliography
*Besse, Arthur L.: Einstein manifolds. Reprint of the 1987 edition. Classics in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008.
*Actes de la Table Ronde de Géométrie Différentielle. [Proceedings of the Roundtable on Differential Geometry] En l'honneur de Marcel Berger. [In honor of Marcel Berger] Held in Luminy, July 12–18, 1992. Edited by Arthur L. Besse. Séminaires et Congrès [Seminars and Congresses] , 1. Société Mathématique de France, Paris; distributed by American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1996.
*Besse, Arthur L.: Some trends in Riemannian geometry. Duration and change, 71–105, Springer, Berlin, 1994.
*Besse, A. {cyr Mnogoobraziya Èĭnshteĭna. Tom { m I, II. (Russian) [Einstein manifolds. Vol. I, II] Translated from the English and with a preface by D. V. Alekseevskiĭ. "Mir", Moscow, 1990. Vol. I: 320 pp.; Vol. II: pp. 321–704.
*Besse, Arthur L.: Einstein manifolds. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas (3)] , 10. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987.
*{cyr Chetyrekhmernaya Rimanova geometriya}. (Russian) [Riemannian geometry in dimension 4] {cyr Seminar Artura Besse 1978/79.} [The Arthur Besse seminar 1978/79] Translated from the French by G. B. Shabat. Translation edited by A. N. Tyurin. "Mir", Moscow, 1985.
*Géométrie riemannienne en dimension 4. (French) [Riemannian geometry in dimension 4] Papers from the Arthur Besse seminar held at the Université de Paris VII, Paris, 1978/1979. Edited by Lionel Bérard-Bergery, Marcel Berger and Christian Houzel. Textes Mathématiques [Mathematical Texts] , 3. CEDIC, Paris, 1981.
*Besse, Arthur L. {cyr Mnogoobraziya s zamknutymi geodezicheskimi}. (Russian) [Manifolds all of whose geodesics are closed] Translated from the English by Yu. S. Osipov, I. D. Novikov and Yu. P. Solovʹev. Edited and with a preface by Vladimir Mikhaĭlovich Alekseev. "Mir", Moscow, 1981.
*Besse, Arthur L. Manifolds all of whose geodesics are closed. With appendices by D. B. A. Epstein, J.-P. Bourguignon, L. Bérard-Bergery, M. Berger and J. L. Kazdan. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas] , 93. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1978.
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