Iridium(VI) fluoride

Iridium(VI) fluoride

Chembox new
ImageFile = Tungsten-hexafluoride-3D-balls.png ImageSize = 150px
IUPACName = iridium(VI) fluoride
OtherNames = iridium hexafluoride
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 7783-75-7
PubChem =

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = IrF6
MolarMass = 306.2
Appearance = yellow solid
Density = 5.11 g cm−1 (−140 °C)
MeltingPt = 44 °C
BoilingPt = 53 °C
Solubility =
SolubleOther = soluble in HF

Section3 = Chembox Hazards
MainHazards =

Iridium(VI) fluoride is a volatile and highly reactive yellow solid, with an octahedral molecular structure (Ir–F bond length is 183.3 pm). It is the only compound with iridium in its highest oxidation state, 6+. It is formed directly at 300 °C from the constituent elements, iridium and fluorine, but it is thermally unstable and must be frozen out of the gaseous reaction mixture to avoid dissociation.


*cite journal |doi=10.1021/ic052029f |year=2006 |month=May |author=Drews, T; Supeł, J; Hagenbach, A; Seppelt, K |title=Solid state molecular structures of transition metal hexafluorides |volume=45 |issue=9 |pages=3782–3788 |pmid=16634614 |journal=Inorganic chemistry

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