- Llanganabal
Llanganabal was a
Moluche toqui who led theMapuche army that defeated the Spanish led byMartín Ruiz de Gamboa in theBattle of Catirai in1569 . In1560 Llanganabal is listed as one of thecaciques heading anencomienda along theBio Bio River . ["de esta parte y de la otra del río de Bio-bío; y más, os encomiendo los caciques Guanomilla é Calbiguano y "Llanganabal", y Antemile, con todos los caciques, indios y principales á ellos subgetos, y de sus parcialidades y bebederos." IV. — Fragmento de. la información de servicios de Francisco Gutiérrez de Valdivia. (Archivo de Indias, 1-6-59/22.1560 ) Colección de documentos inéditos...Tomo X, Pg.290 ] Shortly after began the outbreak of the1561 Mapuche revolt. By1569 Llanganabal had risen to command the Araucan army withMillalelmo and other captains as his subordinates [ Marmolejo, Historia..., Capítulo LXV] . To resist the Spanish who had been burning the feilds and houses on the south bank of the Bio Bio, Millalelmo had built a strong fortress on the hill ofCatirai in a difficult position on steep wooded slopes [Lobera,Crónica..., Capítulo XXXI] . Dispite the warnings ofLorenzo Bernal del Mercado who had reconoitered the position, Spaniards new to Chile and theArauco War prevailed on GovernorMelchor Bravo de Saravia to order Martín Ruiz de Gamboa to take his command and attack the place. His force was badly defeated while attempting to attack up the steep thickly wooded hill into Llanganabal's fortified position. [Pedro Mariño de Lobera,Crónica del Reino de Chile,Capítulo XXXI]References
Alonso de Góngora Marmolejo , [http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?Ref=1102&portal=157 Historia de Todas las Cosas que han Acaecido en el Reino de Chile y de los que lo han gobernado (1536-1575) (History of All the Things that Have happened in the Kingdom of Chile and of they that have governed it (1536-1575)] , Edición digital a partir de Crónicas del Reino de Chile, Madrid, Atlas, 1960, pp.75-224, (on line in Spanish) (History of Chile 1536-1575)
*Pedro Mariño de Lobera , [http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/13582842323460728544424/index.htm Crónica del Reino de Chile , escrita por el capitán Pedro Mariño de Lobera....reducido a nuevo método y estilo por el Padre Bartolomé de Escobar. Edición digital a partir de Crónicas del Reino de Chile Madrid, Atlas, 1960, pp. 227-562, (Biblioteca de Autores Españoles ; 569-575).] Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (on line in Spanish) (History of Chile 1535-1595)
*José Toribio Medina , [http://books.google.com/books?id=gW8CAAAAYAAJ Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de Chile, desde el viaje de Magallanes hasta la batalla de Maipo, 1518-1818, Tomo X. Impr. Ercilla, Santiago, 1896] Original from Harvard University, Digitized May 18, 2007
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