

Infobox musical artist
Name = FlyEr

|Img_capt = FlyEr performing in Graffity Club, Minsk, in 2008.
Background = solo_singer
Born = birth date and age|1983|08|29 Belarus
Genre = Hip hop
Occupation = Rapper
Years_active = 2000–present
Label = WSWO Rec., WeatherVane Rec.
URL = [ Official MySpace]

FlyEr is the Belarusian Rap writer and performer.Though his Rap started from the American hip-hop tradition, music of FlyEr is closer than to the Russian tradition of music style. That’s what he said in his interview to the radio station “Belarus”:

“"I think that Russian Rap is much deeper in its lyrics, it has more sense and value. And I don’t want to make useless songs. Usually I tell about some hardships. Sometimes my songs are autobiographical. But still there is always hope in my music. I believe that tomorrow will be better then today and I want all people to know that"”.

FlyEr composed his first song in 2000 when he entered the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics. That very first song was included into a hip-hop compilation “Minsk-City”. The next song "Moi mir" ("My World") was at free excess at the university hostel intranet, thus many people could listen to it. “I didn’t expect any high evaluations, - he says. - And I was agreeably surprised when people whom I didn’t know started sending me messages saying that they liked my song. Of course, that encouraged me”. Later on FlyEr’s song could be heard on air at the hostel radio station hosted by one of the students Yohel – one of the university talents. Later he helped FlyEr in his music activity and stage appearances. They even recorded a joint song. The first public appearance of MC FlyEr was in 2006 at a club in Minsk. Since that time he has become a permanent participant of music parties. FlyEr presents his own original songs and joint works with his foreign friends: SovietChild from the USA and Den from Germany.



* Холодная ночь ("Holodnaya noch"', "Cold night")
* Найди себя ("Naydi sebya", "Find yourself")
* Никогда не твой ("Nikogda ne tvoy", "Never yours")
* Посвящение 2 ("Posvyashchenie 2", "Dedication 2")
* Серый город ("Seryy gorod", "Grey city")
* Ты помнишь те дни (feat. Bon & Den, "Ty pomnish' te dni", "Do you remember those days")
* Ты та же (feat. Yohel "Ty ta zhe", "You're the same")
* Верь в себя (feat. Den, "Ver' v sebya", Believe in yourself)
* Ветер ("Veter", "Wind")
* Время ("Vremja", "Time")
* В ожидании ("V ozhidanii", "Waiting for")
* Зима ("Zima","Winter")


Remixes by SovietChild

* Посвящение 2 (remix by SovietChild)
* Посвящение 2 (positive remix by SovietChild)
* Посвящение 2 (remix by SovietChild)
* В ожидании (remix by SovietChild)
* Зима (remix by SovietChild, "Winter")

Hip-hop battles

*, Hip-hop battle Round 1
*, Hip-hop battle Round 2
*, Hip-hop battle Round 3

External links

* [ Official site] (currently under construction)
* [ Blog (in russian)]
* [ FlyEr] at MySpace

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