Ludwig Dessoir

Ludwig Dessoir

Ludwig Dessoir, original name Leopold Dessauer (15 December 1810 – 30 December 1874) was a German actor born in Posen, the son of a Jewish tradesman. He made his first appearance on the stage there in 1824 in a small part. After some experience at the theatre in Posen and on tour, he was engaged at Leipzig from 1834 to 1836. Then he was attached to the municipal theatre of Breslau, and in 1837 appeared at Prague, Brno, Vienna and Budapest, where he accepted an engagement which lasted until 1839. He succeeded Karl Devrient at Karlsruhe, and went in 1847 to Berlin, where he acted Othello and Hamlet with great success, he received a permanent engagement at that theatre. From 1849 to 1872, when he retired on a pension, he played 110 parts, frequently on tour, and in 1853 acting in London. He died in 1874 in Berlin.

Dessoir was twice married; his first wife, Theresa, a popular actress (1810-1866), was separated from him a year after marriage; his second wife went mad on the death of her child. By his first wife Dessoir had one son, the actor Ferdinand Dessoir (1836-1892). In spite of certain physical disabilities Ludwig Dessoir's skill made him famous, especially as an interpreter of Shakespeare's characters.



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  • Ludwig Dessoir — (nach 1850) Ludwig Dessoir als Richa …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DESSOIR, LUDWIG — (originally Leopold Dessauer; 1810–1874), German actor. He was born in Posen, the son of a merchant. Dessoir first appeared on the stage at the age of 14. From 1831 he acted in provincial theaters in character and heroic roles in classical… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • DESSOIR, MAX — (1867–1947), German philosopher and psychologist, of Jewish origin (he described himself as a Vierteljude ); son of ludwig dessoir . Dessoir studied with Wilhelm Dilthey and received doctorates in philosophy and medicine. He was professor of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Dessoir — is a surname and may refer to: Ferdinand Dessoir (1836 1892), German actor Ludwig Dessoir (1810 1874), German actor Max Dessoir (1867 1947), German philosopher and theorist of aesthetics See also Dessau (disambiguation) Dessauer …   Wikipedia

  • Dessoir — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Ferdinand Dessoir (1836–1892), deutscher Schauspieler Ludwig Dessoir (1810–1874), polnisch deutscher Schauspieler Max Dessoir (1867–1947), Philosoph, Psychologe Susanne Dessoir (geb. Triepel; 1869−1953),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ludwig Gabillon — Ludwig Gabillon, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1860 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dessoir —   [dɛs waːr],    1) Ludwig, Schauspieler, * Posen 15. 12. 1810, ✝ Berlin 30. 12. 1874, Vater von 2); wirkte 1849 72 am Königlichen Schauspielhaus in Berlin; besonders bedeutend in klassischen Rollen dämonisch leidenschaftlicher Natur (Othello,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Dessoir — (spr. Dessoahr), 1) Ludwig, geb. 1809 in Posen, zuerst Schauspieler bei wandernden Truppen, war 1831 in Mainz, 1834 in Leipzig, 1835 in Breslau, 1837 in Pesth, 1839 in Karlsruhe fest angestellt u. ging von dort nach Berlin zur Königlichen Bühne… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Dessoir — (spr. ssŭār), 1) Ludwig, Schauspieler, geb. 15. Dez. 1810 in Posen, gest. 30. Dez. 1874 in Berlin, Sohn eines jüdischen Kaufmanns, betrat in Posen schon mit 14 Jahren die Bühne, bei der er, nebenbei als Sekretär und Rollenabschreiber, 11/2 Jahr… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Dessoir, Ludwig — ▪ German actor born Dec. 15, 1810, Posen, Prussia [now Poznań, Pol.] died Dec. 30, 1874, Berlin, Ger.       German actor whose fame rested on his portrayals of Shakespearean characters.       After years of apprenticeship on many stages, Dessoir… …   Universalium

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