- Allen Klein (author)
Allen Klein, author
[http://www.allenkelin.com] Allen Klein (born April 26, 1938) is a pioneer in
gelotology and the therapeutichumor movement. He is an American author and lecturer on the stress relieving benefits of humor and on gallows humor. Klein was the 2005-2006 president of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. [http://www.aath.org]Publications
Klein has written 2 books on the therapeutic benefits of humor and 12 books of inspirational quotations.The Healing Power of Humor: Techniques for Getting through Loss, Setbacks, Upsets, Dissappointments, Difficulties, Trials, Tribulations, and All That Not-So-Funny Stuff ISBN 0-87477-519-1The Courage to Laugh: Humor, Hope, and Healing in the Face of Death and Dying ISBN 0-87477-929-4Quotation books [http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=15888]
[http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/allen_klein.html] "Humor can help you cope with the unbearable so that you can stay on the bright side of things until the bright side actually comes along.""Humor does not diminish the pain - it makes the space around it get bigger.""When we are dealing with death we are constantly being dragged down by the event: Humor diverts our attention and lifts our sagging spirits.""Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.""The hardest thing you can do is smile when you are ill, in pain, or depressed. But this no-cost remedy is a necessary first half-step if you are to start on the road to recovery.”
2007Hunter College Hall of Fame honoree
Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association [ http://www.nsaspeaker.org/ ]
Toastmaster's [ http://www.toastmasters.org/ ] International Communication and Leadership Award
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.