The Reader's Digest Association

The Reader's Digest Association

The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. is a global publisher and direct marketer based in Pleasantville, New York, best known for its flagship publication founded in 1922, "Reader's Digest".

RDA's magazines include 50 worldwide editions of "Reader's Digest". Its other 26 magazines include "Every Day with Rachael Ray" (U.S.); "The Family Handyman" (U.S. and Australia); and RD Specials, one-time publications sold at supermarket checkout counters.

RDA sells 50 million books a year worldwide. These include general books, illustrated reference books, Select Editions (condensed) books, and adult and children's trade books. The company also markets music collections, videos and other products.

RDA business divisions are:


* RD Inspiration -- Reader's Digest magazine, Selecciones, Trade books, music.
* RD Food & Entertaining -- Every Day with Rachael Ray, Taste of Home (and other Reiman publications),, Taste of Home Entertaining
* RD Home & Garden -- The Family Handyman, Birds & Blooms, Backyard Living, etc.
* RD Health & Wellness
* School & Educational Services -- Weekly Reader Publishing Group; QSP, which offers magazine subscriptions, gifts, and food for sale for school and youth group fundraising; Books Are Fun, the leading North American book and gift display marketer, acquired in 1999

INTERNATIONAL(Operations in 100+ countries selling products in 120+ countries)

* RD Europe, Africa and Middle East
* RD Asia Pacific
* RD Canada & Latin America regions

In March 2007, Reader's Digest was acquired by an investor group led by Ripplewood Holdings. RDA's President and Chief Executive Officer is Mary G. Berner.

External links

* [ Corporate Website]

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