- Horizons (Student Symposium)
Horizons in Molecular Biology is an international PhD student symposium organised by students of the International Max-Planck Research School in Molecular Biology at the University of Göttingen.
The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for young scientists from all over the world to discuss their research and form networks.
The program provides delegates with up-to-date, important and relevant information in the field. During the symposium, some of the most renowned scientists will deliver lectures representing for either one of the four featured or the special sessions topics. The featured topics are cell biology, structural biology, developmental biology and Neuroscience. Moreover, every year features a special session on the hottest topic of molecular biology. In contrast to other scientific conferences and symposia, Horizons is organized by students and thus offers a very special perspective to the developments in the different fields covered. In addition, delegates will have the chance for discussion not only during poster sessions and presentations but also during the numerous social activities.
Career Fair
Since 2007, a carrer fair has been part of the Horizons symposium. It offers the opportunity to meet different companies and institutions and to take part in workshops developing the soft skills needed in science and industry. Moreover, the Horizons career fair provides useful career information and job offers both in science and industry. In the past years, renowned companies such as Alcimed, McKinsey&Company, Olympus and Roche have been partners of the Horizons meeting and career fair.
2008 "Cell Biology" Susan Gasser Markus Hochstrasser Clare Waterman-Storer Marino Zerial "Neuroscience" John Heuser Tomas Kirchhausen Thomas Schwarz Amita Sehgal Oleg Shupliakov "Structural Biology" Tom Blundell Karolin Luger Daniela Rhodes Peter Wright " Developmental Biology" Christian Klaembt Jürgen Knoblich Wolf Reik "Special Session: Computational Biology" Gunnar von Heijne Cedric Notredame Andrej Sali Arne Skerra
2007 "Cell Biology" Jiri Bartek Bernd Bukau Tim Hunt Stefan Müller Phillip Zamore "Neuroscience" Jean-Pierre Changeux Joachim Herz Larry Zipursky "Structural Biology" Hashim Al-Hashimi Nenad Ban Roland Beckmann Kevin Gardner "Developmental Biology" Markus Affolter John Gurdon Andrew McMahon Claudio Stern "Special Session: Systems Biology" Patrick Cramer Friedrich Lottspeich Michael Yaffe
2006 "Cell Biology" Philip Cohen Ron Hay Michael Rosenfeld Joan A. Steitz "Neuroscience" Adriano Aguzzi Barry Dickson Oliver Hobert Paul Sternberg "Structural Biology" Wolfgang Baumeister Elena Conti Dame Louise Johnson Nigel Unwin "Developmental Biology" Philip Ingham Ruth Lehmann Alexander Schier Cliff Tabin "Special Session: Stem Cell Research" Gerald Schatten Hans Schöler Ian Wilmut
2005 "Cell Biology" Pascale Cossart Anthony Hyman Peter Krammer Atsushi Miyawaki "Neuroscience" William J. Betz Baljit Khakh "Structural Biology" Stephen Cusack Michael Sattler Eric Westhof Hartmut Michel "Developmental Biology" Walter Gehring Rolf Kemler Lewis Wolpert
2003 "Cell Biology" William Earnshaw Ludger Johannes Jürg Müller "Neuroscience" Arthur Konnerth Nils Brose Phil Haydon "Structural Biology" Pascal Auffinger Udo Heinemann Karin Schleinkofer "Developmental Biology" Renato Paro Davor Solter
[http://www.horizons.uni-goettingen.de Horizons Homepage]
[http://www.careerfair.horizons.uni-goettingen.de Horizons Career Fair Homepage]
[http://www.gpmolbio.uni-goettingen.de Homepage of the International Max-Planck-Research School Molecular Biology]
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