Essaim (satellites)

Essaim (satellites)

Essaim ("swarm", in French) is a French military reconnaissance microsatellite constellation. Its main purpose is to collect and map signals intelligence accross the world. The DGA describes it as a "vacuum cleaner for [radio] waves".


Essaim is a constellation of four 120 kg microsatellites (including one spare) in low earth orbit. They are demonstration models wich were supposed to last three years. They fly separated by a few hundreds of kilometers. Missions are designed by the "Celar" (Centre d'électronique de l'armement) in Bruz, near Rennes and are uploaded from CNES in Toulouse to the constellation . Collected data follows the same path in reverse order.


The constellation was lauched from Kourou, in French Guyana, by an Ariane 5 G+ rocket on December 18, 2004. The flight was shared with Helios 2A and two other auxiliary payloads: Parasol and Nanosat.Individial members of the constellation are Essaim 1, Essaim 2, Essaim 3 and Essaim 4.

External links

* [ A presentation of Essaim, with photographs]
* [ NSSDC Master Catalog - Essaim 1]
* [ NSSDC Master Catalog - Essaim 2]
* [ NSSDC Master Catalog - Essaim 3]
* [ NSSDC Master Catalog - Essaim 4]

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