UDR Benevolent Fund

UDR Benevolent Fund

The UDR Benevolent Fund is a Northern Ireland charity (charitable organization) which distributes benefits to former UDR soldiers and families. [http://www.royalirishregiment.co.uk/UDR%20Ben%20Fund/udr_bfund.htm] Little is known of the make up of the Trustees as they are not required to submit a report and accounts as they do in Great Britain.

The UDR Benevolent Fund is the first of its kind in the British Army. Existing only to provide assistance to former members of the Ulster Defence Regiment and/or their dependants. This charity is the only one which operates separately from the normal system of benefits for former soldiers and dependants and is supported by annual donation from the British exchequer.

The Ulster Defence Regiment was the largest infantry regiment of the British Army and was formed specifically to counter terrorism in Northern Ireland during the period 1970 to 1992. As the only British regiment to remain on duty permanently during this time it suffered a higher number of casualties than any other.

This particular fund is part of the UDR and Royal Irish Regiment "Aftercare" [http://www.aftercareservice.org/benevolence.htm] service which is unique to the British Army but is thought to be the model for future development of similar funds for regiments which have a high number of casualties in modern wars.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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