Gábor Tompa

Gábor Tompa

Place and date of birth: Târgu Mureş, August 8, 1957

Graduated in stage and film directing at theI.L. CaragialeTheatre and Film Academy in Bucharest in 1981 as a student of outstanding personalities like Liviu Ciulei, Mihai Dimiu, Cătălina Buzoianu, founders of the world-famous Romanian school of stage directing.Since 1981 Gábor Tompa is directing at Hungarian Theatre in Cluj, Romania.In 1987 he becomes the artistic director of the theatre, after the political turn he undertakes the managing of the theatre as well.Since 1989 he is professor at theSzentgyörgyi IstvánTheatre Academy in Tg-Mureş.He founded the Faculty of Dramatic Art in Cluj and run the directing programme of it since 1991. He staged more the 60 plays and produced other 60.

From March 2006 to April 2008 (when The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj joined the UTE) he was an individual member of the Union of European Theatres.

Works worldwide:

2008Mrozek: Tango -Theatre & Dance Department of the University of California, San Diego, USA2005After Euripides: Medea CirclesMunicipal Theatre, Novi Sad, SERBIA2004Ionesco: The New TenantNorthern Stage Ensemble, Newcastle, ENGLAND2003Beckett: PlayTheatre Thália, BudapestHungarian Theatre of Cluj, HUNGARYBeckett: Waiting for GodotVígszínház, Budapest, HUNGARYL. Pirandello: Tonight We ImproviseStaatsteather Freiburg, GERMANY)2002András Visky: JulietTheatre Thália, BudapestHungarian Theatre of ClujA. Camus: The MisunderstandingVígszínház, Budapest, HUNGARYA. P. Chechov: Three SistersStaatstheater, Freiburg, GERMANY2001W. Shakespeare: King LearVígszínház, Budapest, HUNGARYBeckett: Waiting for GodotManitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg, CANADA2000Ionesco: The Bald Prima DonnaAthéneé Théâtre Louis Jouvet, Paris, FRANCEMolière: TartuffeThéâtre de l`Union, Limoges, FRANCEBeckett: EndgameTeatre Principal de Palma, SPAIN1999Beckett: Waiting for GodotLyric Theatre Belfast, UKMrozek: TangoTeatre Lliure, Barcelona, SPAINMolière: The Pretentious LadiesTeatre Alegria, Barcelona, SPAIN1997Mrozek: TangoPesti Színház, Budapest, HUNGARYCamus: The MisunderstandingAkademietheater, Wien, AUSTRIA1996Ionesco: The Bald Prima DonnaThéâtre de l`Union, Limoges, FRANCEVisniec: Old Clown WantedAuersperg Fünftzen Theatre, Wien, AUSTRIAMolière: TartuffeThália Theatre, Budapest, HUNGARY1995Beckett: Waiting for GodotStaatstheater, Freiburg, Kammerspiele, GERMANY1994Shakespeare: HamletTramway Theatre, Glasgow, UK1992Beckett: EndgameWilma Theatre, Philadelphia, USA (workshop)Beckett: Waiting for GodotSzigligeti Theatre Szolnok, HUNGARY1991Camus: The MisunderstandingSzigligeti Theatre Szolnok, HUNGARYSzékely: The MoorsCastleTheatre Gyula, HUNGARY1990Büchner: WoyzeckMunicipal Theatre, Novi Sad, YUGOSLAVIA1987Enquist: Song for PhaedraNational Theatre Skopje, YUGOSLAVIA

Works in Romania:

2006András Visky: Long FridayHungarian Theatre of ClujHeiner Müller: QuartetSalTimBanc Foundation Timişoara, Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, Nottara Theatre, Bucharest, Metropolis Youth Theatre, BucharestShakespeare: King LearLucian Blaga National Theatre, ClujE. Ionesco: RhinocerosRadu Stanca Theatre, Sibiu2005I.L. Caragiale: The Lost LetterHungarian Theatre of ClujAndrás Visky: DisciplesHungarian Theatre of ClujBeckett: Waiting for GodotTamási Áron Theatre, Sf. GheorgheS. Mrozek: House on the BorderRadu Stanca Theatre, Sibiu2004Alfred Jarry: Ubu EnchainedComedy Theatre, BucharestS. Beckett: Happy DaysComedy Theatre, Bucharest2003E. Ionesco: Jacques or the ObedienceHungarian Theatre of Cluj (Nominated by UNITER for Best Performance of the Year 2003)Beckett: PlayTheatre Thália, BudapestHungarian Theatre of ClujS. Witkiewicz: CockroachesRadu Stanca Theatre from Sibiu2002András Visky: JulietTheatre Thália, BudapestHungarian Theatre of Cluj2001S. Mrozek: CharlieHungarian Theatre of Cluj2000Molière: The MisanthropeHungarian Theatre of Cluj (Nominated by UNITER for Best Performance of the Year 2001)1999Beckett: EndgameHungarian Theatre of Cluj1998Shakespeare: Troilus and CresidaHungarian Theatre of Cluj1997Shakespeare: HamletNational Theatre CraiovaGombrowicz: OperettaHungarian Theatre of Cluj (Nominated by UNITER for Best Performance of the Year 1997)1995Büchner: WoyzeckBulandra Theatre, BucharestBulgakov: The Intrigue of the HypocritesHungarian Theatre of Cluj1994Molière: TartuffeTheatre Academy, Tg-Mures, ROMANIA1993Camus: The MisunderstandingHungarian Theatre of Cluj (Nominated by UNITER for Best Performance of the Year 1993)1992Shakespeare: A Midsummer Nights DreamHungarian Theatre of ClujIonesco: The Bald Prima DonnaHungarian Theatre of Cluj1991Shakespeare: As you like itHungarian Theatre of ClujSzékely: The MoorsHungarian Theatre of Cluj1990Heltai: Moth-ballHungarian Theatre of Cluj1989Hsing-Chien: The Bus StopHungarian Theatre of ClujSigmond: Raining with LoveHungarian Theatre of ClujIspirescu: The Coach is ComingNational Theatre Tg-Mures1988Caragiale: A Tempestuous NightHungarian Theatre of Cluj1987Shakespeare: HamletHungarian Theatre of ClujSütő A.: Blithe WailingHungarian Theatre of Cluj1986Poliakoff: City SugarTheatre Academy, Tg-Mures1985Mrozek: TangoHungarian Theatre of Cluj1984Caragiale: A Tempestuous NightNational Theatre, Tg-MuresFeydeau: Cat in a BagHungarian Theatre of ClujDehel G.: The InnocentHungarian Theatre of Cluj1983Bulgakov: Ivan, WassilievitchBulandra Theatre, BucharestS. Mrozek: Piotr OheyAcademy of Theatre from Tg. Mures1982Albee: The Zoo-StoryNational Theatre, Tg-MuresBulgakov: Ivan, the TerribleHungarian Theatre of ClujBlaga: Master ManoleHungarian Theatre of Cluj1981Mrozek: TangoTheatre Academy, Bucharest1980Büchner: WoyzeckHungarian Theatre, Sfîntu-Gheorghe1979Beckett: Happy DaysTheatre Academy, Bucharest

Teaching Experience:

19901995 - Head of directing at the Theatre Academy in Tg-Mures, Romania1991Founder of the Theatre and Drama Faculty in Cluj, RomaniaSince 2007Head of Directing at theTheatre and Dance Department of the University of California, San Diego

Classes for actors at the State Theatre School in Freiburg, Germany, 19951999Theatre Academy, Barcelona19992000classes at Institut del Teatre Barcelona and Terrassa, Spain

Workshops for directors:

International Workshop Festival, Manchester, UK 1993International Workshop Festival, Glasgow, UK 1994International Workshop Festival, Belfast, UK 2000Festival de la Francophonie, Limoges, France 2003Workshop on Shakespeare, Palma de Mallorca, Spain 2003Brunel University, London, UK 2005 (directing MA programme)


ShortsBehind the Mask - director (Romanian Television) 1978Fugue - director (Romanian Television) 1979

FeaturesChinese Defencedirector (Hungarian-Romanian-French coproduction) 1999

Published works:

LidércbányaMine of Nightmares (selected poems, Pallas Akadémia, 2004)Noé SzínházaNoahs Theatre (selected poems, Pallas Akadémia, 2004)A hűtlen színházThe Unfaithful Theatre An essay on stage direction, Bucharest, 1987)A késdöfés gyöngédségeThe Tenderness of Stabbing (studies, Cluj, Romania, 1995)Óra, árnyékokClock, Shadows (poems, Bucharest, Romania, 1989)KészenlétAlertness (poems, Budapest, Hungary, 1990)Romániai magyar négykezesekFour-handed Pieces (poems, with A. Visky, Pécs, Hungary, 1994)Aki nem énNot I (poems, Tg-Mures, Romania, 1996)Depressio Transilvanyae – (Four-handed sonnets with A. F. Kovács, Csíkszereda, Romania, 1998)

Books about his work:

TOMPA GÁBOR színházi világa / Viziuni scenice/ Theatrical Visions - Koinónia, Cluj, Romania, 2007Conversation in Six Acts by Florica IchimBucharest, Romania, 2003


UNITER (Romanian Theater Union)- Nominated to the Best Performance Award, 2005 (Waiting for Godot)- Nominated to the Best Performance Award, 2003 (Jacques or the Obedience)- Award for Excellence2002- Best Director of the Year in Romania (1984ATM, 1987ATM, 1993, and 1997)- Best Performance of the Year (1989, 1992)Artist Meritorious of Hungary (2002)The Distinction of the Romanian President, 2000Critics' Award (ITI Romania, 1997)“Interference”- Price of Romanian Culture Foundation, 1997Best Performance of the Year in Yugoslavia (1990)Best Foreign Performance of the Year in England (1993)The Festival of the Romanian Comedy (2007) – Best DirectingThe Festival of the Romanian Dramaturgy (2004) – Best DirectingI. L. Caragiale" National Theatre FestivalBest Directing (1992, 1996)Hungarian National Theatre Festival (1996) – Best DirectorInternational Theatre Festival - Kisinov (1994)- Best Director- Best PerformanceTheaterpreis, Stuttgart (1995)Media Excellency Prize (2008)Golden Apple Award (2007)Szabadság Prise (2004)EMKE-Prise (1992)Kriterion-Prise (1997)“Cuvîntul“- Prise, (1996)Open Society Foundation Romania - Prise for Contemporary Artstheatre, 1998Nomination for The Irish Times Award - 1999 for Waiting for GodotBest First Feature Award, International Film Festival, Salerno, Italy, for hisChinese Defence

Spoken Languages:Hungarian, Romanian, English, German, French, Catalan [www.huntheater.ro]

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