- Heartland Foods
Heartland Foods is one of the largest franchises of
Burger King . TheDowners Grove, Illinois -based company owns and operates over 225 restaurants in six US States. [cite web |url=http://www.heartlandfoodcorp.com/about.aspx |title=About Heartland Food Corp. |publisher=Heartland foods Corp. |year=2005 |accessdate=2008-09-14]History
By 2001 and nearly eighteen years of stagnant growth, many of Burger King's franchises were in some sort of financial distress. The lack of growth severely impacted BKC's largest franchise, the nearly 400 store AmeriKing; by 2001 the company, which until this point had been struggling under a nearly $300 million debt load and been shedding store across the US, was forced to enter Chapter 11
bankruptcy .cite web |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C03E5D81E3DF931A15751C1A9649C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all |title=A Fighter for Burgers and Fries |author=Jo Napolitano |work=The New York Times |date=2002-12-22 |accessdate=2008-04-06 |quote=The AmeriKing bankruptcy has added uncertainty to the prospects for Burger King, which relies heavily on franchise owners of its restaurants.]While several individual BK franchisees also took advantage of the AmeriKing failure and the resulting sale of its assets, Miami-based franchisee Al Cabrera purchased the largest chunk of stores, 130 locations primarily in the
Chicago and the uppermid-west , from the failed company for a bargain basement price of $16 million, or approximately 88% of their original value. Taking these stores, he and his partners created a new company called Core Value Partners to renovate and update the locations which had deteriorated during Ameriking's decline. During this time, the company was renamedHeartland Foods and it purchased 120 additional stores from other financially distressed owners and completely revamped them as well. The resulting purchases made Mr. Cabrerra Burger King's largest minority franchisee and Heartland one of BKC's top franchises. [cite web |url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_50_37/ai_111507745 |title=BK franchisee-led group buys 131 AmeriKing units |publisher=Nations Restaurant News |date=accessdate=2008-04-12 ] By 2006, the company was valued at over $150 million, and was sold toNew York -based GSO Capital Partners. [cite web |url=http://franchise.business-opportunities.biz/2006/12/29/major-burger-king-franchisee-to-sell-240-restaurants/ |title=Major Burger King Franchisee To Sell 240 Restaurants |publisher=the Miami Herald |date=2006-12-17 |accessdate=2008-04-12 ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.