

Kaholi-a-Lale was the Prince of Oahu and Chief of Halona and Lihue. Sometimes referred to as Kaoli-a-Lale. [http://www.kekoolani.org/Pages/9053%20Kekoolani%20Genealogy%20Database/pafg17.htm#1243] He was the eldest son of Prince Lolale, chief of Halona, and his wife Princess Keleanohoanaapiapi of Maui. His siblings were Luliwahine (Luliwahialale) and Luli Kane. They were Lo-Alii like their father, having the honor of being conceived at the Kukaniloko birthstones. [http://www.kekoolani.org/Pages/9016%20Kekoolani%20Genealogy%2016%20Oahu%20WEB/9016%20Kekoolani%20Genealogy%2016%20Oahu%20Kahahana.pdf] They were male line grandchildren of King Kalona-iki of Oahu and female line grandchildren of King Kahekili I of Maui. Their mother left their father's mountain home for the shores of Ewa probably in their childhood. When Kaholi grew to adulthood, he married his first cousin, Princess Kohipalaoa of Oahu, second-in-line to succeed after her sister Princess Kukaniloko, later Queen Regnant. Their union produce one son named the High Chief Kānehoalani, the father of Kaunuiakanehoalani, Queen Consort of Oahu; and mother of Kakuhihewa. [Abraham Fornander, An Account of the Polynesian Race: Its Origin and Migrations, Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969. Page 85, 91, 272] [http://www.hawaiian-roots.com/maui_kings.htm]


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  • Kānehoalani of Oahu — was a High Chief of Oahu and Distric Chieftain or King of Koolau. Kānehoalani means Kāne s Heavenly Companion . [http://www.kualoa.com/history.htm] He was the son of Lo Alii Kaholialale and Princess Kohe palaoa of Oahu. Through his mother he was… …   Wikipedia

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