- Brently Heilbron
"Brently Heilbron" (b.
December 1 ,1976 ) is an Americancomedian . In 2007, he hostedSir Paul McCartney 's special live appearance atAmoeba Music . [cite web|url=http://www.glidemagazine.com/articles/52220/paul-mccartney-rocks-amoeba-records.html|publisher=Glide Magazine |date=July 1, 2007|title=Paul McCartney Rocks Amoeba Records] His verbatim performance ofR. Kelly 'sTrapped in the Closet in its entirety earned him a mention in both theLos Angeles Times [cite web|url=http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/soundboard/2007/12/comedian-will-p.html|title=Comedian will perform "Trapped in the Closet" December 17 - 10 December 2007|publisher=LA Times Soundboard] ,and theNew York Times [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/16/arts/music/16trap.html] ] among otherscite web|url=http://www.lacitybeat.com/cms/story/detail/closet_session/3361/|publisher=LA City Beat |title=Closet Session|date=February 23, 2006|author=Rebecca Epstein] . He also appeared on theBravo improvised television seriesSignificant Others . [cite web|url=http://www.hollywood.com/tv/Significant_Others/5203069|publisher=hollywood.com|title=Significant Others]Reception
1999 , he was voted Austin’s Best Stand-up Comic [ [http://www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Issue/story?oid=oid:73941 Austin Chronical - Arts & Entertainment] ] .The
Austin Chronicle described Brently as “one of the most prolific and inventive comics anywhere,” also providing a mediocre review for his solo show "All Things Delicious: What the hell is inside the sizzle pot?" [ [http://www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Issue/review?oid=oid%3A74961 Austin Chronical - Exhibitionism: Local Arts Review - 10 December 1999] ] At Amoeba, Brently hosts monthly charity auctions [cite web|url=http://www.amoeba.com/content/Amoeba-Auctions.html|publisher=Amoeba Music |title=Amoeba Music Auctions] benefiting victims ofHurricane Katrina and other green charities.Brently's co-written musical
Hooray For Gregory Peck’s Ass! [cite book|author=Lynn Haney|title=Gregory Peck: A Charmed Life|publisher=da Capo Press |isbn=0786714735|date=November 11, 2004] Verify source|date=October 2008 which earned acclaim the late actor called the show the "solacement of my later years".Collaborations
In 2003,
Channel 101 featured the series "Brently & Mrs. Gould" starring Brently and the 85 year old actress Jean Farber. [cite web|url=http://www.channel101.com/shows/show.php?show_id=6|title=Brently & Mrs. Gould|publisher=Channel 101 ] Verify source|date=October 2008In 2008, Brently teamed up with
Emmy winning writerLiz Feldman to form Feldman/Heilbron. Together they created "Our Awesome War Show" at theComedy Central Stage in Los Angeles.Fact|date=October 2008In 2008, Brently joined the
Groundlings 'sAlexx Staggs in "Boy Whores in Underpants" also at theComedy Central Stage.Fact|date=October 2008Discography
He wrote and performed some works digitally published by his production company,
Vaudeville Heartthrob Recordings .External links
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu50NmVFPgo Brently Heilbron] at
the Improv inLos Angeles (uploaded by the subject)References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.