Instituto Via Delphi

Instituto Via Delphi

The Via Delphi Institute for Research on Marine Mammals is a Mexican non-profit organization endorsed to generate scientific knowledge about marine mammals, mostly of the "Tursiops truncatus" species. The research center is located in the state of Quintana Roo, near Cancun City, where the scientific members make indoor studies; by the other side, The Via Delphi Institute conducts research programs with wild dolphin populations from the Campeche and Tabasco costs, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in Holbox Island, located in the Mexican Caribbean sea. The Institute is divided in two working groups, one composed of biologists and the other of veterinarians, both supported by thesis students and volunteers. [ Undergraduate Social Service and thesis students are allowed to work. Must of them arrive from the Universities linked to the Institute.]

History and achievements

The Via Delphi Institute was formally constituted in 2007 with the sign of a Cooperation Agreement with the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM. This agreement establishes some sets for scientific programs between the Via Delphi Institute, the Biology Institute and the Sciences and Veterinary faculty of UNAM. Also, the Via Delphi Institute has worked with CINVESTAV (from the National Polytechnic) in Mérida, the University of Veracruz, the University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Michoacán, and the Tec Institute of Seas Studies in Veracruz, among others.

Research Certification

With a certification given by the RENIECYT through the National Commission of Science and Technology CONACYT, the Via Delphi Institute receives official support from this recognized public commission, providing it an important status in the Mexican scientific research field. As a result of the Institute's research more than 61 works had been submitted in various worldwide forums, including: The Annual Meeting of the Marine Mammal Society, IMATA, The International Association of Aquatic Mammals and the meetings of the International Association of Aquatic Mammals Medicine. [57. DELGADO-ESTRELLA, A. Y A. ROMERO-TENORIO. 2006. Registro y análisis fotográfico de marcas y cicatrices corporales en toninas silvestres (Tursiops truncatus) en la laguna de Términos Campeche e Isla Holbox, Quintana Roo, México. 1ª Reunión Internacional sobre el Estudio de los Mamíferos Acuáticos SOMEMMA-SOLAMAC. Mérida, Yucatán, México 5-9 de Noviembre.BAZÚA DURÁN, C. Y A. DELGADO-ESTRELLA. 2006. Estudio del uso de hábitat por tursiones (Tursiops truncatus) en la laguna de Términos, Campeche, México. 1ª Reunión Internacional sobre el Estudio de los Mamíferos Acuáticos SOMEMMA-SOLAMAC. Mérida, Yucatán, México 5-9 de Noviembre.ROMERO-TENORIO, A. Y A. DELGADO-ESTRELLA. 2006. Mortality of bottlenose dolphin calves born at Grupo Via Delphi facilities. 34th Annual Conference of IMATA. Hawaii, USA. 5-9 Nov.DELGADO-ESTRELLA, A., A. ROMERO-TENORIO, F. OSORIO Y M. ASCENSAO. 2006. Comparación de crecimiento y desarrollo de tres crías de manatí Trichechus manatus manatus, rescatadas y rehabilitadas por grupo Via Delphi, México. 1ª Reunión Internacional sobre el Estudio de los Mamíferos Acuáticos SOMEMMA-SOLAMAC. Mérida, Yucatán, México 5-9 de Noviembre.Bazúa Durán, C. y A. Delgado Estrella. 2007. Los tursiones (Tursiops truncatus) de la laguna de Términos, Campeche. Primer encuentro de vinculación "Biotecnología para el Sureste de México", Campeche, México, 19-20 abril 2007.


Via Delphi Institute Research Programs during 2008

* Noninvasive monitoring of reproductive stages in dolphins "Tursiops truncatus" in natural limited environments by the quantification of fecal steroids and reproductive behavioral observation and its ultrasound correlation.
* Abundance and distribution registration of dolphins "Tursiops truncatus" in the coast area of the Ria Lagartos biosphere, Yucatán, Mexico.
* Follow of identified dolphins in Laguna de Términos, Campeche.

* Registry Birth, growth and behavioral development of offspring born in limited natural environments.

* Morfometric registry of dolphins under guarded at Via Delphi Group.
* Registry of maternal care in female Tursiops truncatus with different levels of experience establishing dominance hierarchies in dolphins kept in limited natural environments.
* Registration of Marine Mammals stranded on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
* Growth recording of a baby manatee "Trichechus manatus manatus" rescued and rehabilitated in the Via Delphi Group facilities.
* Genetic characterization of "Tursiops truncatus" dolphins kept in limited natural environments.

Institutional Colaboration

* [ UNAM]
* [ SOMEMMA, Mexican Society for Marine Mammalogy]
* [ IAAAM, International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine]
* [ SMM, The Society for Marine Mammalogy]
* [ IMATA, International Marine Animal Trainers Association]


* [ UNAM e-jornal of Ph.D Alberto Delgado,] Via Delphi Institute Director.

* [ "Sonar" Journal]

* [ Review of the Colaboration Agreement with UNAM]

* DELGADO ESTRELLA, A. Toninas "Tursiops truncatus" Ecology population in Laguna de Yalahau, Q. Roo, México. Master Thesis. UNAM, 1996.

* ________________Comparison of "Tursiops truncatus" population parameters along the southeast costs of the Gulf of México (Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán y Quintana Roo) Ph.D Thesis. UNAM, 2002.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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