Karl Joseph Brodtmann

Karl Joseph Brodtmann

Karl Joseph/Ioseph Brodtmann (1787 Überlingen - 1862 Basel) [ [http://www.falkbooks.ch/Auktionskatalog11.html Falk & Falk Auctions] ] , was an accomplished Swiss artist and lithographer, as well as a printmaker, publisher and bookseller who worked in Zurich and Schaffhausen.

Brodtmann's natural history lithographs include Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's works on reptiles and birds, published in the early 1830s. Brodtmann alsoproduced natural history lithographs, as "Naturhistorische Bilder Gallerie aus dem Thierreiche". [ [http://www.georgeglazer.com/prints/nathist/butter/brodtman.html George Glazer Gallery] ]

Brodtmann produced his lithographs in the post-Linnaean 'Age of Enlightenment'. Natural history specimens were depicted in hand-coloured sets forthe use of biologists and the aristocracy, the latter who were not only great patrons of the arts and sciences, but included many who were activelyinterested in the fauna and flora. The artists respected scientific accuracy and often displayed a remarkable sense of aesthetics.

elected publications

* Schinz, H.R., Brodtmann K.I: "Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Vögel". Brodtmann`s lithographische Kunstanstalt, Leipzig 1819-30, 2 vols.
*"Naturhistorische Bilder Gallerie aus dem Thierreiche", circa 1824.
*"Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Reptilien", (1833).

External links

* [http://www.theantiquarium.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=31_163_164 The Antiquarium]
* [http://fine-art-prints-store.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=10 Fine Art Prints]
* [http://www.finerareprints.com/vol_animals_brodtmann3.htm Fine Rare Prints]


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