Noma Award

Noma Award

The Noma award for publishing in Africa is a $10,000 prize for outstanding literature published in Africa. The award is sponsored by Kodansha Ltd, Japan.


1980:"Une Si Longue Lettre" by Mariama Bâ

1981:"Health Education for the Community" by Felix C. Adi

1982:"The Brassman’s Secret" by Meshack Asare

1983:"Criminal Procedure in Ghana" by Austin N.E. Amissah

1984:"Mesandiki wa Mau Mau Ithaamirio-in" [prison memoirs in Gikuyu] by Gakaara wa Wanjau"Fools and other stories" by Njabulo Ndebele

1985:"La Trahison de Marianne" by Bernard Nanga

1986:"Sobreviver em Tarrafal de Santiago" [poetry] by António Jacinto

1987:"Villes de Côte d’Ivoire, 1893-1940" by Pierre Kipré

1988:"Working Life. Factoris, Townships, and Popular Culture on the Rand, 1886-1940" by Luli Callinicos

1989:"Bones" by Chenjerai Hove

1990:"Uprooting Poverty: The South African Challenge" by Francis Wilson & Mamphela Ramphele

1991:"Waiting Laughters" [poetry] by Niyi Osundare

1992:"A comme Algériennes" by Souad Khodja"One Day, Long Ago. More Stories from a Shona Childhood" by Charles Mungoshi, illustrated by Luke Toronga

1993:"Third World Express" by Mongane Wally Serote

1994:"A Modern Economic History of Africa. Volume 1: The Nineteenth Century" (Dakar: CODESRIA, 1993)

1995:"Triomf" by Marlene van Niekerk

1996:"Destins paralleles" by Kiria Toure

1997:"Mfantsipim and the Making of Ghana: A Centenary History, 1876-1976" by A. Adu Boahen

1998:"The Politics of Liberation in South Sudan: An Insider's View" by Peter Adwok Nyaba

1999:"L'interpretation des reves dans la region Senegambienne. Suivi de la clef des songes de la Senegambie de l'Egypte pharaonique et de la tradition islamique" by Djibril Samb, D.

2000:"Ufundishaji wa Fasihi: Nadharia na Mbinu" by Kimani Njogu & Rocha Chimera

2001:"Odun Ifa/Ifa Festival" by Abosede Emanuel

2002:"The Arabic Novel: Bibliography and Critical Introduction, 1865-1995" by Hamdi Sakkut

2003:"Walter and Albertina Sisulu. In Our Lifetime" by Elinor Sisulu

2004:In 2004 the jury decided not to select a winner, but did give four titles Honourable Mention:

*"The Cry of Winnie Mandela" by Njabulo Ndebele

*"The Plays of Miracle and Wonder" by Brett Bailey

*"Lanre and the Queen of the Stream" by Tunde Lawal-Solarin

*"A Dictionary of Yoruba Personal Names" by Adeboye Babalola & Olugboyega Alaba

2005:"La mémoire amputée" by Werewere Liking

2006:"In a Ribbon of Rhythm" by Lebogang Mashile

2007:"Strife" by Shimmer Chinodya


* [ Noma Award Site]

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