

Ideami Studios is an art fusion studio founded in Spain with exhibitions of work undertaken globally. It produces artwork, film, photography, web developments and music led by accomplished Spanish Artist Javier Ideami and is best known for its film and photography work.

Ideami Studios started in 2002 and is expanding to San Francisco in 2008. The latest film to be completed is La última cena, due for release late 2008.

Latest Movies and Films

* 2008. La ultima cena (HD - high definition) : About to be released
* 2007 - El cuadro (HD Digital): A Journey through human obsession. El Cuadro is a film depicting a metaphore of Human Obsession, represented by a girl that is obsessed with a painting (El cuadro) of a volcanic landscape (Timanfaya, Lanzarote). The girl experiences four stages on her obsessive journey beginning with obsession and followed by revelation of her self realisation. The ensuing battle within is followed by resolution. The end realisation of the girl's journey leaves open the duality of self obsession.
* 2006 - Magic Mountain (35mm, Dolby Digital): The journey of a soul in four stages: Cruelty, Desire, Loneliness and Understanding.

Recent Photography Projects

* Sweet Home: San Francisco / Usa / A sicological portrait of the boundaries of a character´s home
* Hope: London / England / A flower shaped in human form
* Ozahali: Barcelona / Spain / Beauty within the broken textures of an abandoned palace
* Gravity: Asturias / Spain / The battle of a human soul against gravity
* 4 Faces: Barcelona / Spain / Journey through the minds of 4 actors
* Freschi : Madrid / Spain / Painted and Photographed texture blend with the human figure
* Natural Movement: Croatia / The forces of nature and human energy colliding together
* H-Series: Rome / Italy / Time and Space fragmented and blending with human emotions

Latest Exhibitions

* 2008. Blanca Berlin Gallery. Madrid, Spain . Photography, Gravity Series
* 2007. Privatecy, Enzimi Art Festival, Roma, ITALY (Interactive Art Installation)
* 2007. FUORI, Colective, Roma, ITALY, Gallery Carlo Gallerati (Photography & Video)
* 2007. Michelle Gordon & Javier Ideami. Gallery Kyo, ITALY, Viterbo, Italia (Video Art)
* 2007. El cuadro / Freschi. Individual. ITALY. Roma, Gallery Carlo Gallerati (Video Art)
* 2007. Dec.Music (part of RAN). SPAIN.Museum of art Laboral. (Interactive Installation)
* 2006. Space180, Capp Street, San Francisco, USA, (Javier & Frances Giron), (Photography)
* 2006. Somarts Bay Gallery, San Francisco, USA, (Javier & Frances Giron), (Photography)
* 2006. Natural Movement. Individual. SPAIN. (Oviedo / Gijón y Avilés). (Photography).
* 2005. Natural Movement. Individual. CROATIA. Ranjina Palace Gallery, Dubrovnik, (Photography)
* 2004. Reflejos del silencio. Individual. ITALY. Génova, Italy, European Capital of Culture Events
* 2004. Colective, National Prizes FNAC, Madrid, SPAIN
* 2004. Colective, Photography Prize La Ascensión, SPAIN


* [ Container Art Festival mentioning Ideami as one of the selected artists]
* [ More about Ideami´s work at Container art]
* [ Privatecy, Container Art project by Ideami together with Emmanuele Tarduci & Claudio Ampolo]
* [ Laboral Prize that Ideami won together with RAN]
* [ Prize at the Laboral museum in Spain]
* [ Laboral museum of art and technology where Ideami won a prize]
* [ Laboral Museum news about the prize]
* [ Announcement of one of Ideami´s exhibits]
* [ News about another of Ideami´s exhibits]
* [ Another Ideami exhibit]
* [ Ideami exhibit]
* [ New about Ideami Exhibit]
* [ Press release about Ideami Exhibit]
* [ Ideami Exhibit at Kyo]
* [ Ideami Exhibits in Italy in 2007]
* [ Ideami Exhibit in San Francisco]
* [ News about Ideami Exhibit in San Francisco]
* [ News about Ideami Exhibit in San Francisco]
* [ Ideami´s Masterclasses at the London Academy of Media, Film & TV]
* [ Ideami´s Masterclasses in Toscana, Italy]
* [,1518,505632,00.html Article in Die Spiegel about Ideami and Mark Abouzeid Masterclass]
* [ Article about Ideami Masterclass in Toscana]
* [ Article about Ideami & Mark Abouzeid Masterclass in Toscana]
* [ One of Ideami´s Film prizes, Gijon Film Festival, Spain]
* [ Ideami´s Conference at Architecture during the Simposium in Sicily]
* [ RAN Art group leaded by Ideami, Carlos Navarro and Ramon Prada]
* [ Review of one of Ideami´s Films, El Cuadro]
* [ Review of Ideami Art work at a Spanish radio]
* [ Saatchi gallery Ideami Page]
* [ Javier Ferrer´s Culture Blog writing about Ideami]

External links

* [ Web of Ideami Studios]

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