Javier Ideami

Javier Ideami

Javier Ideami (Oviedo, Spain, born January 27, 1973), is a multidisciplinary Spanish Artist and founder of Ideami Studios.


With Studies in both artistic (Painting, Photography, Filmmaking, Design and Music) and technical fields (including 5 years of Computing Engineering), Javier has been working for years blending the arts and the sciences, receiving numerous awards for his work across different disciplines.

Teaching and Conferences

Javier regularly teaches Art and technology masterclasses at London and other venues such as Toscana in Italy. He has as well given conferences in many places, lately at the Faculty of Architecture of the university of Rome, the FAO world headquarters of the United Nations and at international symposiums like the architecture simposium at Sicily, Gioiosa Marea in 2007.


Ideami has exhibited his creative work in many galleries around the world, some examples are:
* 2008. Blanca Berlin Gallery. Madrid, Spain . Photography, Gravity Series
* 2007. Privatecy, Enzimi Art Festival, Roma, ITALY (Interactive Art Installation)
* 2007. FUORI, Colective, Roma, ITALY, Gallery Carlo Gallerati (Photography & Video)
* 2007. Michelle Gordon & Javier Ideami. Gallery Kyo, ITALY, Viterbo, Italia (Video Art)
* 2007. El cuadro / Freschi. Individual. ITALY. Roma, Gallery Carlo Gallerati (Video Art)
* 2007. Dec.Music (part of RAN). SPAIN.Museum of art Laboral. (Interactive Installation)
* 2006. Space180, Capp Street, San Francisco, USA, (Javier & Frances Giron), (Photography)
* 2006. Somarts Bay Gallery, San Francisco, USA, (Javier & Frances Giron), (Photography)
* 2006. Natural Movement. Individual. SPAIN. (Oviedo / Gijón y Avilés). (Photography).
* 2005. Natural Movement. Individual. CROATIA. Ranjina Palace Gallery, Dubrovnik, (Photography)
* 2004. Reflejos del silencio. Individual. ITALY. Génova, Italy, European Capital of Culture Events
* 2004. Colective, National Prizes FNAC, Madrid, SPAIN
* 2004. Colective, Photography Prize La Ascensión, SPAIN

Leading creative Teams

Javier collaborates regularly with artists, architects, engineers and other creatives in innovative projects around the world. He is one of the founders of the creative group RAN that got awarded a prize in 2007 by the new museum of art and technology in Spain, Laboral. He was also the founder of the Web 2.0 online application Ewidi, an online social network in 33 languages, and collaborates with many artists for example currently with Arturo Vittori and Andreas Vogler in their Santa Rosa Project, doing Digital Retouching of their concept Designs.This year Javier founded Flaii, a new online software application that is about to be set up as a new company in United States for its full development there.

Creative fusion of Art and Technology

Under the auspices of Ideami Studios, Javier has developed a particular expertise of artistic expression in computing and technology projects revealing interpretations of life and human spirit through music, film, animation and visual art. Although early examples of his work have generally been more mainstream, many projects undertaken in recent years have demonstrated a maturing ability and depth of interpretation.


Javier directs films and sometimes works on their photography and music.His filmography includes the films
* 2008. La ultima cena (HD - high definition) : About to be released
* 2007 - El cuadro (HD Digital): present in many film festivals worldwide.
* 2006 - Magic Mountain (35mm, Dolby Digital): Animation film released in 35mm.


Javier has received numerous awards in different creative disciplines, some examples are:
* Filmmaking : 2007 / El cuadro/ Prize at the Ateneo Film Festival in Spain
* Art Installations: 2007 / (RAN) Lab cyberspaces International Prize / Laboral Modern art Museum
* Filmmaking: 2005 / 2nd Prize New Filmmakers, International Gijon Film Festival (Filmmaking)
* Photography: 2002 / 3rd Prize National Magazine of Photography 2002 (Photography)
* Design: 1995 / 4th National Prize Leonardo da Vinci IBM (as a Designer)


* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Containerart Container Art Festival mentioning Ideami as one of the selected artists]
* [http://transition.turbulence.org/blog/2007/11/30/privatecy-containerart-rome/ More about Ideami´s work at Container art]
* [http://lnx.privatecy.net/ Privatecy, Container Art project by Ideami together with Emmanuele Tarduci & Claudio Ampolo]
* [http://www.elcomerciodigital.com/prensa/20070213/sociedad/tres-asturianos-componen-sinfonia_20070213.html Laboral Prize that Ideami won together with RAN]
* [http://www.noviembre.org/e-norte/html/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=419&theme=Printer Prize at the Laboral museum in Spain]
* [http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/ Laboral museum of art and technology where Ideami won a prize]
* [http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/noticias/show/65 Laboral Museum news about the prize]
* [http://www.exibart.com/profilo/autoriv2/persona_view.asp?id=3061 Announcement of one of Ideami´s exhibits]
* [http://www.exibart.com/profilo/eventiV2.asp/idelemento/42243 News about another of Ideami´s exhibits]
* [http://www.undo.net/cgi-bin/undo/pressrelease/pressrelease.pl?id=1179911261 Another Ideami exhibit]
* [http://milano.art-radar.com/events/location.php?preview=si&stampa=si&idelemento=11442 Ideami exhibit]
* [http://ilcorrieredelweb.blogspot.com/2007/09/viterbo-kyo-art-gallery-29-settembre.html New about Ideami Exhibit]
* [http://www.undo.net/cgi-bin/undo/pressrelease/pressrelease.pl?id=1191008084&day=1191016800 Press release about Ideami Exhibit]
* [http://www.teknemedia.net/pagine-gialle/gallerie/kyo_art_gallery_viterbo/dettaglio-mostra/25337.html Ideami Exhibit at Kyo]
* [http://www.teknemedia.net/pagine-gialle/artisti/javier_ideami/index.html Ideami Exhibits in Italy in 2007]
* [http://www.artbusiness.com/1open/031106.html Ideami Exhibit in San Francisco]
* [http://manja.org/events/2006/03/11/fling-getting-it-on-for-art-curated-by-han-pham-and-derek-chung News about Ideami Exhibit in San Francisco]
* [http://www.silverwheel.com/events_new.html News about Ideami Exhibit in San Francisco]
* [http://www.media-courses.com/coursepages/supercourse.asp?id=95 Ideami´s Masterclasses at the London Academy of Media, Film & TV]
* [http://www.markabouzeid.com/walkingintuscany/Home.html Ideami´s Masterclasses in Toscana, Italy]
* [http://www.spiegel.de/reise/europa/0,1518,505632,00.html Article in Die Spiegel about Ideami and Mark Abouzeid Masterclass]
* [http://www.letsgodigital.org/en/13632/masterclass_photography/ Article about Ideami Masterclass in Toscana]
* [http://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/3/prweb513119.htm Article about Ideami & Mark Abouzeid Masterclass in Toscana]
* [http://www.gijonfilmfestival.com/palmares.php?idioma=castellano&edicion=42 One of Ideami´s Film prizes, Gijon Film Festival, Spain]
* [http://www.nitrosaggio.net/sicilylab/07/Results/index.htm Ideami´s Conference at Architecture during the Simposium in Sicily]
* [http://www.colectivoran.com/ RAN Art group leaded by Ideami, Carlos Navarro and Ramon Prada]
* [http://www.montagefilmreviews.com/blogjune2008-14th(3).html Review of one of Ideami´s Films, El Cuadro]
* [http://www.radiocable.com/el-mago-ideami.html Review of Ideami Art work at a Spanish radio]
* [http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/yourgallery/artist_profile/Javier%20Ideami/5288.html Saatchi gallery Ideami Page]
* [http://javierferrer.com/2008/01/01/ideami/ Javier Ferrer´s Culture Blog writing about Ideami]

External Links

* [http://www.ideami.com Web of Ideami Studios]

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  • Ideami — Studios is an art fusion studio founded in Spain with exhibitions of work undertaken globally. It produces artwork, film, photography, web developments and music led by accomplished Spanish Artist Javier Ideami and is best known for its film and… …   Wikipedia

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