- John Adikes Bond
John Adikes Bond is an author, poker player and real estate developer born in Jamaica, New York January 14, 1955. He grew up in Massapequa and Port Washington, New York before moving to South Florida in 1972. He is the eldest of five children; his brother [http://www.nycdirector.com/ James Alexander Bond] is a theatre director in New York City. He married Jeanne Deininger January 1, 2001.
Since 1992 Bond has, with his collaborator and co-author
Roy Cooke , written a poker column, Real Poker, for Card Player Magazine [ [http://www.cardplayer.com/magazine/author/19 CardPlayer Magazine] ] . It is the longest continuously running poker feature in the world.Bond was the developer [ [http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=N&inq_came_from=NAMFWD&inq_doc_number=P95000034639&cor_web_names_seq_number=0000&names_name_ind=N&fei_fei_number=&fei_cor_number=&princ_cor_number=&princ_type=&princ_seq=&princ_comp_name=&names_comp_name=ATLANTISTRIBOARD&names_cor_number=&names_name_ind=N&names_name_seq=&names_filing_type= Florida Department of State Division of Corporations] ] of Atlantis the Water Kingdom [The Almost Lost Kingdom - Miami/South Florida Magazine - March 1984] which became the
Six Flags Atlantis water theme park in Hollywood Florida from 1979-1983.AUTHOR
Bond’s short story T-Bird, originally published in the collection [http://www.akashicbooks.com/miaminoir.htm Miami Noir] by Akashic Press, was chosen for [http://www.houghtonmifflinbooks.com/catalog/titledetail.cfm?textType=toc&titleNumber=694079 Best American Mystery Stories 2007] (Carl Hiaasen, ed.)
Bond was editor of the twice-weekly newspaper The Beach Journal (re-named the Atlantic Journal) from 1977-1979.
Bond has numerous miscellaneous publications including The Practical Real Estate Lawyer, FloridaBookReview.Com [ [http://www.floridabookreview.com/id5.html Condominium (by John D. Mcdonald) Reconsidered] ] , Tropic Magazine of The Miami Herald, Miami Magazine and the Fort Lauderdale
Sun-Sentinel (Travel Section.) He was a contributing real estate columnist forThe Miami Herald from 1990-1993.OTHER INTERESTS
Bond worked in the late 1970s for National Projects, owned by Miami lobbyist Stephen Paul Ross. He co-managed political campaigns for Nikki Beare for the Florida House of Representatives (1974), [http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/NEWCITY/cityhall/history%20of%20mayors%201917%20to%20present.pdf Elayne Weisburd] the first woman elected to the Miami Beach City Commission (1977) and civil rights pioneer [http://www.nieonline.com/miami/profiles.cfm?bioname=Father%20Theodore%20R%20Gibson Reverend Theodore Gibson] the first African-American elected to the Miami City Commission (re-election campaign, 1977).
Bond was Vice President of Dade County Young Democrats (1977). He was a member of the Broward County Democratic Executive Committee (1980-82) and Vice President of the Hollywood (FL) Democratic Club (1982).
Bond ran unsuccessfully for the Florida House of Representatives (1980) and Hollywood City Commission (1982.)
Bond was a member of the Finance Committee of the Steve Pajcic for Governor Campaign (1986) and John Glenn for President Campaign (1983-84). On the Glenn campaign he worked closely with Glenn’s wife Annie Glenn and Bond’s Fort Lauderdale neighbor, Apollo astronaut
Donn Eisele . Together Bond and Eisele raised almost a quarter million dollars for Glenn.References
External Links
[http://www.johnbondwriting.com John Bond writing]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.