- Butterball
brand of turkey and otherpoultry products produced by Butterball LLC, ajoint venture ofSmithfield Foods andMaxwell Farms . [ [http://www.smithfieldfoods.com/Investor/Press/press_view.asp?ID=354 Smithfield Foods::Investor Information::Press Releases ] ]The brand has existed for over fifty years and has been the top-selling brand of turkey in the
United States for over forty years.The name Butterball was originally registered as trademark #378,438 on June 11, 1940 by Ada Walker of Wyoming, Ohio. Leo Peters purchased the trademark in February 1951. Leo Peters licensed the name to Swift and Co. for 10 years before selling it in the 60's. Peters sold the name "Butterball" to Swift and Co. which was later acquired by
ConAgra , but retained rights to the use of the name for his butter products and the company he founded which is still in operation today: Butterball Farms, Inc.An undercover
PETA video investigation released in July 2006 showed Butterball employees beating and inhumanely killing turkeys. [ [http://www.goveg.com/feat/butterball/butterball.asp Butterball's House of Horrors] ]In October 2006, ConAgra's Butterball branded turkey business was sold to
North Carolina based Carolina Turkeys, which renamed itself Butterball LLC. [ [http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2006-11-21-butterball_x.htm USA Today: Sale of Butterball turkey business not expected to change Thanksgiving icon] ]Among numerous other brands, English-bred Butterball turkeys are sold in the
United Kingdom duringChristmas time, for the Christmas feast.According to Butterball, the following products are sold under the Butterball name: [ [http://www.butterball.com/en/main_canvas.jsp?includePage=product_home.jsp&t=Products%20Landing%20Page&s0=products&s1= Turkey Products|Butterball] ]
*whole turkeys
*turkey cuts
*cold cut s
*marinated bone-in, boneless and wholechicken s
*rotisserie chickens
*frozen chicken
*gravy mixesIn addition, Butterball Farms sells decoratively formed
butter under the Butterball name. [ [http://www.butterballfarms.com/foodservice/products2.php Butterball Farms product page] ]Turkey Talk-Line
Beginning in late 1981, Butterball has maintained a toll-free telephone line called the Turkey Talk-Line to help customers with various cooking difficulties and questions. Eleven thousand people called in 1981, and in recent years the number has grown to over 200,000 each holiday season. Each of the operators holds a degree in either dietetics or home economics, roughly half of which are Masters-level. The most frequent question asked is how long a turkey takes to defrost.
In "
The West Wing " episode "The Indians in the Lobby", PresidentJosiah Bartlet calls the number (referred to as the "Butterball Hotline" in the script) to discuss stuffing and cooking his Thanksgiving turkey.References
*Taylor, Rod - "Backward Glance: Talking Turkey", "PROMO Magazine", November 2004
External links
* [http://www.butterball.com/ Butterball, LLC] - Turkey Purveyor
* [http://www.butterballfarms.com/ Butterball Farms, Inc.] - Butter Purveyor
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