

Fitzgerald's is one of the oldest and widely recognized live music venues in the Greater Houston area. The club has been at the top of the live music scene in Houston since it opened in 1977.

Fitzgerald's boasts two fully equipped event rooms — one upstairs and one downstairs (often referred to by locals as "Zelda's") — both complete with stage, professional sound and lights, and two premium stocked bars.The stages at Fitzgerald's have seen thousands of up-and-coming acts, regionally successful artists, and national tours come across them over the years. ZZ Top, David Allan Coe, James Brown, Etta James, Dennis Miller and many more helped get things off the ground in the late 70s and early 80s. During the 90s and on into the new millennium, Fitzgerald's has continued to be on the cutting edge of new live music. Cross Canadian Ragweed, Godsmack, Weezer, Mudvayne, Blues Traveler, Keith Urban, Nonpoint, Staind, Sleater-Kinney, KRS-One, The Donnas, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and hundreds of other now nationally recognized rock, country, and blues artists have all had their turn on the stages of Fitzgerald's.

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