

Chembox new
Name = Pinene
ImageFile = Alpha-pinen.png ImageSize = 150px
ImageName = Pinene
IUPACName = Pinene
OtherNames =
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASOther = [80-56-8] (unspecified)
[7785-70-8] (1"R"-α)
[7785-26-4] (1"S"-α)
[2437-95-8] ((±)-α)
[18172-67-3] (β)

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C10H16
MolarMass = 136.24 g/mol
Appearance = Liquid
Density = 0,86 g·cm−3 (alpha, 15 °C)GESTIS|CAS=80-56-8|Name=alpha-Pinen|Datum=24. Januar 2008] GESTIS|ZVG=492888|Name=beta-Pinen|Datum=24. Januar 2008]
Solubility = Practically insoluble in water
MeltingPt = −62–−55 °C (alpha)
BoilingPt = 155–156 °C (alpha)
The chemical compound pinene is a bicyclic terpene (C10H16, 136.24 g/mol) known as a monoterpene Ref|Mann. There are two structural isomers found in nature: α-pinene and β-pinene. As the name suggests, both forms are important constituents of pine resin; they are also found in the resins of many other conifers, and more widely in other plants. Both are also used by many insects in their chemical communication system.

Systematic names are (1"S",5"S")-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-ene and (1"S",5"S")-6,6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo [3.1.1] heptane.



α-Pinene and β-pinene are both produced from geranyl pyrophosphate, via cyclisation of linaloyl pyrophosphate followed by loss of a proton from the carbocation equivalent.


Selective oxidation of pinene with some catalysts in chemical industry give many components for pharmacy, artificial odorants and so on. The primary oxidation product is verbenone.

It can form by simple air oxidation but a synthetic method employs lead tetraacetate Ref|orgsyn.

Pinenes form the primary constituents of turpentine.


# J. Mann, R. S. Davidson, J. B. Hobbs, D. V. Banthorpe, J. B. Harborne, "Natural Products", pp309-311, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., Harlow, UK, 1994. ISBN 0-582-06009-5.
# Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. 9, p.745 (1998); Vol. 72, p.57 (1995). [ Article]

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