International Congress of Slavists

International Congress of Slavists

The International Congress of Slavists is a Slavist quinquennial gathering for the humanities and social sciences. The first Congress was held in 1929 in Prague.cite web |url= |title=Internationl Congress of Slavists |accessdate=2008-09-08 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |]

Forty countries worldwide are represented. Their chairs are members of the International Committee of Slavists (ICS), responsible for organizing the International Congress.

There are two parts to the Preidium.
*Full Presidium: six members from Slavic countries, and six members from non-Slavic countries.
*Reduced Presidium: current Slavic host country, immediately previous Slavic host country, one additional Slavic country, a non-Slavic country.


* 1934, Warsaw, II
* 1939, planned for Belgrade but precluded because of World War II, III
* 1958, Moscow, IV
* 1963, Sofia, V
* 1968, Prague, VI
* 1973, Warsaw, VII
* 1978, Ljubljana and Zagreb, VIII
* 1983, Kiev, IX
* 1988, Sofia, X
* 1993, Bratislava, XI
* 1998, Cracow, XII
* 2003, Ljubljana, XIII
* September 10-16, 2008, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, XIV


ee also

* Slavic studies

External links

* [ XIV Congress, general information]
* [ XIV Congress, timeline]

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