Sheij Abd el-Qurna — Coordenadas: 25°43′30″N 32°36′10″E / 25.725, 32.60278 … Wikipedia Español
Norman de Garis Davies — (* 14. September 1865 in Großbritannien; † 4. November 1941 in Oxford) war ein britischer Geistlicher, Kopist, Epigraphiker und Ägyptologe. Von 1907 bis 1934 war er Leiter der graphischen Abteilung der Ägypten Expedition des Metropolitan Museum… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Theban Necropolis — Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis * UNESCO World Heritage Site … Wikipedia
TT38 — ThebanTombDetail Name = TT38 Location = Sheikh Abd el Qurna Date = 18th dynasty Owner = Djeserkaraseneb Excavated= Prev=TT37 Next=TT39 Decoration= Layout= The Theban Tomb TT38 is located in Sheikh Abd el Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on… … Wikipedia
TT31 — ThebanTombDetail Name = TT31 Location = Sheikh Abd el Qurna Date = Open in antiquity Owner = Khonsu Excavated= Prev=TT30 Next=TT32 Decoration= Layout= The Theban Tomb TT31 is located in Sheikh Abd el Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the… … Wikipedia
TT51 — ThebanTombDetail Name = TT51 Location = Sheikh Abd el Qurna Date = Open in antiquity Owner = Userhat Excavated= Prev=TT50 Next=TT52 Decoration= Layout= The Theban Tomb TT51 is located in Sheikh Abd el Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the… … Wikipedia
TT57 — ThebanTombDetail Name = TT57 Location = Sheikh Abd el Qurna Date = Open in antiquity Owner = Khaemhat Excavated= Prev=TT56 Next=TT58 Decoration= Layout= The Theban Tomb TT57 is located in Sheikh Abd el Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the … Wikipedia
Чаи — (XIII век до н. э.) древнеегипетский чиновник во времена правления фараона Менептаха (1224 1204 годы до н. э.). Занимал высокую должность Царского писца депеш Господина обеих земель (то есть в его ведении были все внешнеполитические вопросы).… … Википедия
List of ancient Egyptian sites — This is a List of Ancient Egyptian Sites, throughout all of Egypt and Nubia. Sites are listed by their classical name whenever possible, if not by their modern name, and lastly with their ancient name if no other is available.NomesA nome is a… … Wikipedia
Herbert E. Winlock — Herbert Eustis Winlock (* 1. Februar 1884 in Washington D.C.; † 26. Januar 1950 in Venice, Florida) war ein US amerikanischer Archäologe und Ägyptologe Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Jugend und Ausbildung 2 Praxis in el Lischt … Deutsch Wikipedia