- Gilbert Houngbo
Infobox Prime Minister
name = Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo
order = Prime Minister of Togo
president =Faure Gnassingbé
term_start =8 September 2008
term_end =
predecessor =Komlan Mally
successor =
birth_date = 1961?
alma_mater =University of Lomé Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo (born 1961? [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?o=5&s=1&d=3&i=2408 "Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo, "l’oiseau rare""] , Republicoftogo.com, 9 September 2008 fr icon.] ) is a
Togo lese national who has beenPrime Minister of Togo since8 September 2008 . [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?o=5&s=1&d=3&i=2406 "Reprise de la coopération et gestion de crise"] , Republicoftogo.com, 8 September 2008 fr icon.] Houngbo holds an advanced degree in business management from theUniversity of Lomé in Togo, as well as a degree in accounting and finance from the "Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières " inCanada . He is a member of theCanadian Institute of Chartered Accountants .Houngbo was a member of the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Strategic Management Team and was its Director of Finance and Administration before being appointed as the UNDP Chief of Staff in 2003. He was subsequently appointed asUnited Nations Assistant Secretary General, Assistant Administrator of the UNDP, and Director of UNDP's Regional Bureau for Africa [http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2005/sga967.doc.htm "SECRETARY-GENERAL APPOINTS GILBERT FOSSOUN HOUNGBO OF TOGO AS DIRECTOR OF UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME’S BUREAU FOR AFRICA"] , Secretary-General SG/A/967 BIO/3727 DEV/2559, 30 December 2005.] by UN Secretary-GeneralKofi Annan [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?o=5&s=1&d=3&i=2398 "Le patron du Pnud Afrique nommé Premier ministre"] , Republicoftogo.com, 7 September 2008 fr icon.] on December 29, 2005. [ [http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=17063&Cr=development&Cr1=UNDP "UN Development Programme names new officials to head 3 regional bureaus"] , UN News Centre, December 29, 2005.]On 7 September 2008, President
Faure Gnassingbé appointed Houngbo as Prime Minister; he replacedKomlan Mally , who resigned two days earlier. His appointment as Prime Minister was read out in a decree by Kouessan Yovodevi, the Director of National Television, who stated, "Mr Houngbo is Prime Minister". [ [http://www.france24.com/en/20080908-togo-appoints-new-prime-minister-houngbo+ "Togo appoints new prime minister"] , AFP (France24), 8 September 2008.] Houngbo took office as Prime Minister on8 September . Houngbo was a relatively obscure figure in Togo prior to his appointment as Prime Minister, and his appointment was regarded as surprising.Houngbo travelled to the UN Headquarters in New York on 11 September for a visit to mark his departure from the UN. He met with UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon on 11 September, and Ban congratulated him on his achievements at the UNDP. [ [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?o=5&s=1&d=3&i=2429 "Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo fait ses adieux au Pnud"] , Republicoftogo.com, 12 September 2008 fr icon.] His government was named on 15 September 2008. It included 27 ministers, aside from Houngbo himself: three ministers of state (one of whom was Houngbo's predecessor, Komlan Mally), 20 ministers, two minister-delegates, and two secretaries of state. [ [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?o=1&s=0&d=3&i=2444 "L’équipe autour de Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo"] , Republicoftogo.com, 15 September 2008 fr icon.] Houngbo presented his general policy programme to the National Assembly on 16 September. Of the 80 deputies who participated in the vote on Houngbo's programme, 50 (representing the rulingRally of the Togolese People ) voted in favor of it; the oppositionUnion of Forces for Change voted against it, while the oppositionAction Committee for Renewal abstained. [ [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?o=5&s=1&d=3&i=2453 "Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo préconise une nouvelle politique de l’emploi"] , Republicoftogo.com, 16 September 2008 fr icon.]References
Succession box
title =Prime Minister of Togo
before =Komlan Mally
years = 2008 – present
after = Incumbent
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