Association of Young Legal Historians (AYLH)

Association of Young Legal Historians (AYLH)

Association of Young Legal Historians (AYLH)

The AYLH was founded by 56 young legal historians from over 20 nations in Seville on 8 September 2007. Its main purposes are the organisation of the annual conference "European Forum of Young Legal Historians", the publication of the "Yearbook of Young Legal History" and the facilitation of communication within the scientific community between the annual conferences. [Tilmann J. Röder, Crossing Academic Cultures. Report to H.Law, 2007,]

The "European Forum of Young Legal Historians" had grown into the leading conference for up-and-coming legal historians. Its origins were two international meetings in Frankfurt in the early 1990s. The 1999 Zurich meeting marked the break-through towards a truly European event. More than a hundred participants from Europe and beyond came together to attend presentations in the German, English, French and Italian languages. Since then, young researchers from countries which had not been reached before visited the conference in increasing numbers. [See, e.g., Kaius Tuori, Get a haircut and get a real job! In: Rechtsgeschichte (Rg) 9 (2006), p. 228]

The notion of "young" legal historians is understood in a broad sense. The "European Forum of Young Legal Historians" is primarily designed to give all those a chance to present the results of their studies who would not otherwise have the opportunity to do so. As the academic hierarchicies tend to affect the free expression of younger researchers, professors holding a chair in legal history are, as a general rule, excluded from participation to the conference. Similarly, professors and organisations who wish to support the objectives of the society may not vote in the general assembly of the AYLH.

Another special feature of the AYLH is the avoiding of any competence for positions within the association. The executive committee simply consists of the organizers of the last, and the next Fora.

Website of the AYLH:

Places and general themes of the previous forums were:

2007 13th FYHL, Seville: "Crossing Legal Cultures"

2006 12th FYHL, Frankfurt am Main: "Remembering and Forgetting"

2005 11th FYHL, Lucerne: "Legal Transfer in History"

2004 10th FYHL, Warsaw: "The Europan Legal Community: Between Tradition and Perspectives"

2003 9th FYHL, Budapest: "The New Europe and its Traditions"

2002 8th FYHL, Osnabrück: "Europe and its Regions"

2001 7th FYHL, Vienna: "Ad Fontes"

2000 6th FYHL, Leipzig: "Ius commune propriumque: Saxonia in the Mirror of the Law"

1999 5th FYHL, Zurich: "Legal (hi)stories?"

1998 4th FYHL, Munich: "Kontinuitäten und Zäsuren in der Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte"

1997 3rd FYHL, Graz: "Recht ohne Grenzen — Grenzen des Rechts"

1996 2nd FYHL, Berlin

1995 1st FYHL, Halle/Saale

1994 - no conference -

1993 Frankfurt meeting of young legal historians

1992 Frankfurt meeting of young legal historians

Reports on the previous Fora:

2007 Thomas Ditt: Rg 12 (2008), 234-236

2006 Kaius Tuori: Rg 9 (2006), 228-321

2005 Jana Lachmund: Rg 7 (2005), S. 58-61

2004 Hiram Kümper,

2004 Kathrin Schneider,

2003 Federico Gonzales del Campo, Rg 3 (2003), S. 18-21

2003 Dr. Viola Heutger,

2003 Vera Hierholzer, Oliver Peglow,

2002 Christine Franzius, Rg 1 (2002), S. 301-303

2002 Annette Keilmann,

2002 David von Meyenburg,

2001 Natascha Doll, RJ 20 (2001), S. 411-417

2000 Hans-Peter Haferkamp, SZ Germ. 117 (2000), S. 850-859

2000 Margrit Seckelmann, RJ 19 (2000), S. 435-440

1999 Thomas Olechowski, JZ 1999, S. 887-888

1998 Lars Jungemann, ZEuP 1999, S. 996-999

1998 Franz-Stefan Meissel, JZ 1998, S. 1110

1997 Stephan Hocks, RJ 16 (1997), S. 560-562

1996 Ulrich Falk, RJ 15 (1996), S. 293-296

1995 Susanne Ehret, RJ 14 (1995), S. 422-424

Proceedings of the previous Fora:

Remembering and Forgetting / Erinnern und Vergessen, Proceedings of the European Forum of Young Legal Historians 2006 (Frankfurt am Main). Jahrbuch Junge Rechtsgeschichte Bd. 2 / Yearbook of Young Legal History, Vol. 2. Ed. by Oliver Brupbacher, Nadine Grotkamp; Jana Osterkamp, Tilmann Röder, Stefan Ruppert, David Sörgel. München 2007 (Martin Meidenbauer Verlag).

Legal Transfer in History / Rechtstransfer in der Geschichte. Jahrbuch Junge Rechtsgeschichte Bd. 1 / Yearbook of Young Legal History, Vol. 1. Ed. by Verena Duss and Nikolaus Linder. München 2006 (Martin Meidenbauer Verlag).

Ad fontes — Europäisches Forum Junger Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker (Vienna 2001). Ed. by Birgit Feldner, Frankfurt a. M. 2002

Rechtsgeschichte(n) / Histoire(s) du droit? - Europäisches Forum Junger Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker, Zürich, 28.-30. Mai 1999. Ed. by Verein Junger RechtshistorikerInnen Zürich, Frankfurt a. M. [u. a.] 2000

Kontinuitäten und Zäsuren in der europäischen Rechtsgeschichte — Europäisches Forum Junger Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker, München, 22.-24. Jul 1998, hg. von Andreas Their, Guido Pfeifer und Philipp Grzimek, Frankfurt a. M. [u. a.] 1999

Recht ohne Grenzen — Grenzen des Rechts — Europäisches Forum Junger Rechtshistorikerinnen und Rechtshistoriker, Graz 1997, hg. von Martin F. Polaschek und Anita Ziegerhofer, Frankfurt a. M. [u. a.] 1998


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