- Quartz latite
A quartz latite is a
latite with aphenocryst modal composition containing 5-20%quartz . Above 20% quartz, the rock would be classified as arhyolite .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
A quartz latite is a
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Quartz monzonite — Igneous Rock Quartz monzonite bedrock from a UGSG drill core at Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts Quartz monzonite (or adamellite) is an intrusive igneous rock that has an approximately equal proportion of orthoclase and … Wikipedia
Latite — is an igneous, volcanic (extrusive) rock, with aphanitic aphyric to aphyric porphyritic texture. Its mineral assemblage is usually alkali feldspar and plagioclase (in a ratio < 1:4). Quartz is absent in a feldspathoid bearing latite, and olivine… … Wikipedia
latite — or trachyandesite Type of igneous rock that is abundant in western North America. Usually white, yellowish, pinkish, or gray, it is the volcanic equivalent of monzonite. Latites contain plagioclase feldspar (andesine or oligoclase) as large,… … Universalium
Gold mining in Colorado — Gold mining in Colorado, a state of the United States, has been an industry since 1858, and played a key role in the establishment of the state of Colorado.Explorer Zebulon Pike heard a report of gold in South Park, present day Park County,… … Wikipedia
Anexo:Mayores erupciones volcánicas — La erupción de 1991 del Monte Pinatubo, la erupción más grande desde 1912, queda empequeñecida por las erupciones que se indican en este artículo. En una erupción volcánica, lava, tephra (bombas volcánicas, lapilli, y ceniza), y varios t … Wikipedia Español
Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mine — Cripple Creek Victor open pit … Wikipedia
Long Valley Caldera — For the town in New Jersey, see Long Valley, New Jersey :Long Valley Caldera is a depression in eastern California that is adjacent to Mammoth Mountain. The valley is one of the largest calderas on earth, measuring about convert|32|km|mi long… … Wikipedia
Список крупнейших вулканических извержений — Извержение вулкана Пинатубо в 1991 году является крупнейшим в мире с 1912 года, но даже оно ничтожно по сравнению с извержениями в этом списке. Извержение вулкана это … Википедия
Roche effusive — Roche volcanique Les roches volcaniques sont des roches magmatiques, résultant du refroidissement rapide d une lave, magma arrivé à la surface, d où leurs autres noms de roches extrusives ou roches effusives. Sommaire 1 Classification 1.1 Autres… … Wikipédia en Français
Roche volcanique — Les roches volcaniques sont des roches magmatiques, résultant du refroidissement rapide d une lave, magma arrivé à la surface, d où leurs autres noms de roches extrusives ou roches effusives. Sommaire 1 Classification 1.1 Autres types … Wikipédia en Français