

Mapulaca is a municipality in the Honduran department of Lempira.

Panoramic View of Mapulaca

Mapulaca is one of the smallest municipalities in the south of Lempira department. It is hard to get there and the traveler can take any road, however, the suggested option is via Santa Rosa de Copán-San Marcos de Ocotepeque-Cololaca-Valladolid-La Virtud-Mapulaca. On the other hand if the traveler is coming from La Esperanza, Intibuca obviously the road to take is via Santa Cruz-San Andrés-Candelaria-Mapulaca, and this dirt road is repaired more often along the year. Either way it takes about 5 or 6 hours to get there. There is a well known point on the border, "El Puente Colgante" (The Hanging Bridge), which leads to Sonsonate municipality in El Salvador.



Founded on October 30, 1692. In the census of 1791, it was part of "Curato de Cerquin". It has real state titles granted by the "Convent" of Gracias on March 10, 1817. Subscribed by his majesty King Felipe IV. In 1889 it was a municipality of Candelaria district.


It is located approximately at 300 mts above sea level, and after coming down "Congolón" mountain. It is surrounded by some high hills and by dry sub tropical forrests, and it applies for the rest of the municipality. It also has some flat lands for sowing and more recently for people settlement.

Arriving at Mapulaca
Central Park in Mapulaca
The Small Church in Mapulaca


Its boundaries are:

  • Surface Extents: 32 km²


The main economical activity is commerce, and especially since the border is only 3 km away from the departmental capital. The next activity is corn and beans crops and in a smaller scale is cattle and milk products, these last are mostly for local consumption. It has had electricity for 4 years now and also mobile communication services. The water is obtained from wells, but it is not enough for the local demand. It has 2 hardware stores and several groceries stores. In some houses, people sell gasoline or diesel fuels.


The cross-breed of Spanish and Indians is the majority, but the traits of Indians are more common to see.

  • Population:The population in 2001 was 3,866, and according to estimates by the INE Honduras, 4,276 is expected for 2008.
  • Villages: 5
  • Settlements: 35


Due to its geography and location, Mapulaca is only a place to pass by. The "Puente Colgante" is the place of the border to go to El Salvador. It is necessary to cross the hanging bridge to make it to Chalatenango municupality in El Salvador. This bridge is an adventure itself, it was built by a Swiss man also known as "Tony El Suizo", who built more hanging bridges after hurricane Mitch back in 1998. The "Lempa" river is a good place for swimming, but its currents are very strong and dangerous, so extreme care is advised. There are several tributary rivers to Lempa river, which are also nice places to cool off. There is only one hostel in Mapulaca with the only one "restaurant", which is quite small.

  • Local Holidays: "San Juan de Dios' day, on March 8.
A Street in Mapulaca
Lempa River on the border, near Mapulaca
The Hanging bridge to El Salvador
In Honor to the Bridge Maker
Welcome to El Salvador

Coordinates: 14°02′N 88°37′W / 14.033°N 88.617°W / 14.033; -88.617

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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