- WorkSessions
company_type = Private
company_name = WorkSessions Corporation
foundation =Ohio , USA (2008)
location_city =Hudson, OH
industry =Music Promotions &Music Marketing
products = Digital Record Pool
Record Label Promotions
WorkSessions Charts
WorkSessions Blog
My WorkSessions DJ Community
WorkSessions Radio
homepage = http://www.worksessions.comThe WorkSessions Corporation is an American
multinational corporation that specializes in promoting and marketing music — particularly new hip hop artists and their singles. In 2007 WorkSessions ranked sixth on the list of largest music promotions companies in the world.The corporation has arguably become best-known due to agressive
SEO and contacts with numerous record labels including thebig four record labels and hundreds of independents. The company also builds tools fordatabase development, websitesoftware ,marketing software, and street team marketing.Prior to the digital record pool, the company ran vinyl and CD-single record pools alongside its street teams. Due to the success of
Serato , record pools including WorkSessions converted from vinyl and CD formats to digital formats.
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