Shirin (film)

Shirin (film)

name = Shirin

director =Abbas Kiarostami
starring = Niki Karimi, Golshifteh Farahani, Juliette Binoche
producer =
released = 2008
language =Persian
runtime =109 min
imdb_id =
distributor =

Shirin is a 2008 film directed by master Iranian filmmaker, Abbas Kiarostami. The film is considered by some critics as a notable twist in the artistic career of Kiarostami.

"Shirin" is made from simple closeup shots of faces as they themselves watch a film. Everything is angled toward a specific end: all the people inspected closely are women, and the film they are watching is the 800-year-old Persian love story of Khosrow and Shirin, a semi-mythic Persian romance of female self-sacrifice. [ [ Film Review: Shirin] , The Guardian] [ [ Iranian film "Shirin" a rewarding challenge] , Hollywood Reporter via Reuters] The film depicts the audience's emotional involvement with the story. The story is skillfully read between the tragic and kitsch by a cast of narrators lead by Manoucher Esmaieli and is accompanied by a historical "film score" by Morteza Hananeh and Hossein Dehlavi. [ [ Iranian film "Shirin" a rewarding challenge] ]

It was first screened at the 65th Venice International Film Festival. [ [ Iranian film "Shirin" a rewarding challenge] , Hollywood Reporter via Reuters]


ee also

*List of Iranian films

External links

* [ Iranian film "Shirin" a rewarding challenge] (Reuters, 2008)

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