Wilfrid Fox

Wilfrid Fox

Dr. Wilfrid Fox (1875–May 22,1962 [ Who was Who] ) was the outstanding dermatologist of his time in the United Kingdom [ Winkworth Arboretum brochure, published by the National Trust: Text by Bill Maleki. 2001 ] . He practised at St. George's Hospital, London.

He became passionately interested in the environment.Fact|date=August 2008 He founded the Roads Beautifying Association in 1928.Fact|date=August 2008

He lived at Winkworth Farm, Busbridge, Surrey. In 1937, he acquired part of the adjoining Thorncombe Estate, and proceeded to create an arboretum.

In 1948, he was awarded the highest honour of the Royal Horticultural Society, the Victoria Medal of Honour. He gave part of the arboretum to the National Trust in 1952, and the trust later acquired more or the land. This is now open to the public as Winkworth Arboretum.Fact|date=August 2008


External links

* [http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/places/winkwortharboretum/history.html Winkworth Arboretum]

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