Wilfried Lemke

Wilfried Lemke

Wilfried Lemke (born on 19 August 1946) currently serves as United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace. He was appointed to the position by United Nations Secretary-General’s Ban Ki-moon in March 2008.

Lemke has acquired extensive experience in sports and politics. Previously, he was Senator of Interior and Sport of the German State of Bremen and Senator for Education and Science. He had also managed Werder Bremen for 18 years, in charge of fundraising and initiation of relief projects in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eastern Europe.

As Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, Lemke is responsible for heading the efforts of the UN system in promoting understanding and support for sport as an instrument for development and peace as well as encouraging dialogue, collaboration and partnership.

Since the International Year of Sport and Physical Education in 2005, United Nations Member States have better understood the role of sport in development and peace in their national legislation and policies. The United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace is based at the United Nations Office at Geneva and has a liaison office within the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at New York Headquarters.

Lemke obtained his degree in sport and educational sciences from Hamburg University.

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