

Sevsk ( _ru. Севск) is a town in Bryansk Oblast, Russia, located on the Sev River (Dnieper's basin), 142 km away from Bryansk. Population: 7,660 (2002 Census).


One of the original Severian towns, Sevsk is known to have been a part of the Principality of Chernigov since 1146. It was then incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1356. Sevsk was finally annexed by the Muscovy in 1585 and became a Russian border fortress. In 1634, the town withstood a three-week siege by the Polish army.

Throughout its subsequent history, Sevsk belonged to different guberniyas, including Kiev guberniya, Belgorod guberniya, and Oryol guberniya. The Soviet authority in Sevsk was established in March 1918. The town was occupied by the German army between October 1, 1941 and August 27, 1943. In 1944, Sevsk became a part of Bryansk Oblast.

Architectural monuments include the remnants of defensive walls of the medieval fortress and the churches of Kazan Virgin (1760), Ascension (1765), and Sts. Peter and Paul (1809). Sevsk used to have two cathedrals, one dating to 1782 and another to 1811. Both cathedrals were destroyed during Stalin's rule, but their campaniles still stand.

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