Frederick George Holweck

Frederick George Holweck

Frederick George Holweck (Friedrich Georg) (1856-1927) was a German-American Roman Catholic priest and scholar, hagiographer and church historian.


He was a priest in St. Louis, from 1889 to 1892 as assistant pastor at the St. Francis de Sales Church, [] [] and from 1892 to 1903 as pastor at the St. Aloysius Gonzaga Church, in a temporary structure, for a mostly German congregation. [] [] [] He returned to the St. Francis de Sales Church in 1903 as pastor, in a time of reconstruction after the damage by the tornado of 1896. [] [] The church was completed in 1908. []

His 1892 Freiburg dissertation collected 940 Marian feasts and customs. [John Francis Baldovin, Maxwell E. Johnson, "Between Memory and Hope" (2000), p. 400.] He supported the St Louis Catholic Historical Society, as an original researcher into the local history of the diocese and in other fields. [John Paul Cadden, "The Historiography of the American Catholic Church, 1785-1943" (1978), p. 110.] His manuscripts are held by Saint Louis University. []

At the end of his life he was honored with the title Monsignor, [] and appointment as domestic prelate to the Pope.


*"Fasti Mariani" (Freiburg, 1892)
*"Historical archives of the Archdiocese of St. Louis" (1918)
*"A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints" (1924)
*"The seal of confession;: A drama in five acts. Adapted from Father Spillman's story " A victim to the seal of confession." (1924)
*"Calendarium liturgicum festorum dei et dei matris Mariae" (1925), edition of the "Fasti Mariani"


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