- Private community
A private community is a residential community that can be an association or a proprietary organization. Associations can include
condominium s,residential association s orcooperative s. [Spencer H. Macallum: "Suburban Democracy vs. Residential Community". "Critical Review", Vol 17, Nos. 3-4, 2006.]Whereas governmental communities are financed with
taxation , where taxes typically have little connection with benefits, private communities are financed as payments for benefits. In a hotel, for example, the public goods such aselevator s andsecurity are paid for from room charges. [Spencer H. MacCallum: " [http://home.arcor.de/danneskjoeld/F/E/T/CommunitySHM_.htm The Enterprise of Community: Market Competition, Land, and Environment] ", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Volume 17, no. 4, Fall 2003, 1-16, published byLudwig von Mises Institute , Slightly amended by the author, June 2004.] [Georg Glasze, Chris Webster, Klaus Frantz, [http://books.google.com/books?id=u9MA4mjpMrMC "Private Cities"] ,Routledge , 2006.]One early American example was Lucas Place, laid out in 1851 in
St. Louis, Missouri , the first of about 50 suchprivate place s unique to the city.References
ee also
Voluntary community
*Gated community
*Homeowners association
*Planned community
*Spencer Heath , whose goal was to have cities and large land areas owned by single private corporations, which would rent out the land and housing and provide all conceivable public services
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