- The Noose (TV series)
The Noose is a comedy TV series which aired in Singapore on Sunday evenings at 9PM in 2007 and Tuesday evenings at 10PM in 2008. "The Noose" is a play on the word "The News".
Recurring Characters
Characters of Gurmit Singh
Roy Terse
* Name: Roy Terse [http://forum.mediacorp.com.sg/board/showthread.php?s=be0bd94b01756816c52bcf52206048d7&threadid=46438]
* Age: 48
* Nationality: Singaporean
* Race: Often mistaken as Sikh, but is truly an Eurasian
* Language: English (in various accents)
* Education: S&M University - PHD in Numerology and Masters in Home Economics, Bachelor of Singapore Rock Music History
* Career: Child actor in Aksi Mat Yoyo (Age 6 - 10) - he was the orange cat.: Part-time TOTO results announcer for 93.3 Radio (Age 30 - 35): Anchor for Al Abishgebaboom Network during the "US War against Terrorism" (Age 35 - 45)
* Awards: Best Male Toto results Announcer (2000) - there was only 1 nomination that year
* Role: News Anchor
* Portrayed by:Gurmit Singh
* Seasons: 1
* Note: Roy Terse is a play on the wordReuters , a British based news service.Windy Miao
* Name: Windy Miao
* Role: Weather Reporter
* Portrayed by:Gurmit Singh
* Seasons: 1
* Note: His given name, Windy, is a play on the fact that he talks about the wind and weather.Characters of Michelle Chong
Adrianna Wow
* Name: Adrianna Wow [http://forum.mediacorp.com.sg/board/showthread.php?s=be0bd94b01756816c52bcf52206048d7&threadid=46439]
* Age: 21 (so she claims)
* Nationality: Singaporean (Asian born but American claims-to-be)
* Race: Chinese but claims to be "pure American Chinese"
* Language: US-spoken English, US-spoken Hokkien, US-spoken Cantonese, used to know how to speak Mandarin 2 years ago
* Education: Englewood University, Compton
* Career: Runway model, Miss Hawaiian Tropics (2005)
* Awards: Best Weather Girl (2001), Best Hairdo (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005), Most Bimbotic Smile of The Year 2006
* Role: News Anchor
* Portrayed by:Michelle Chong
* Seasons: 1, 2
* Note: Seems to reference Channel News Asia news anchor, Andrea Chow. Having similar hair and accent [http://www.trevvy.com/sgboyx/index.php?showtopic=25538&st=0] .Letitia Bongnino
* Name: Letitia Bongnino
* Role: Domestic Maid
* Portrayed by:Michelle Chong
* Seasons: 1
* Note: Letitia speaks with a strong stereotypical Filipino-English accent [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ImnvzPzdVA] though not explicitly stated that she is so.Nida Goodwood
* Name: Nida Goodwood
* Role: News Reporter
* Portrayed by:Michelle Chong
* Seasons: 1, 2
* Note: Her name seems to suggest sexual innuendo [http://theplaidnightmare.wordpress.com/2007/11/04/the-noose/]Characters of Chua En Lai
Jacques Ooi
* Name: Jacques Ooi [http://forum.mediacorp.com.sg/board/showthread.php?s=be0bd94b01756816c52bcf52206048d7&threadid=46440]
* Age: 46 (looks very young because apparently, he's a good friend of Woffles Wu)
* Nationality: Singaporean on weekdays, Malaysian on weekends (dual citizenship)
* Race: Pan-Asian (as he wants us to quote and unquote)
* Language: Hainanese, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, and other dialects of various provinces in China.
* Education: MTUC University - Majored (but failed) in Ass-tronomy
* Career: PR Manager of Rochor Canal Network, Hand Model for Crimewatch Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
* Awards: Best Parrot Trainer Award (2001)
* Role: Field Reporter
* Portrayed by:Chua En Lai
* Seasons: 1
* Note: Jacques is actually pronounced as "Jack-ass" [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd_tZEk5ILo]B. B. See
* Name: B. B. See
* Role: News Anchor
* Portrayed by:Chua En Lai
* Seasons: 2
* Note: B.B.See referencesBBC , the British Broadcasting CorporationCharacters of Alaric Tay
Andre Chichak
* Name: Andre Chichak [http://forum.mediacorp.com.sg/board/showthread.php?s=be0bd94b01756816c52bcf52206048d7&threadid=46441]
* Age: 17 (he's so good at his job that you can't tell he's an intern)
* Nationality: East Timorese
* Race: TBC (To be confirmed)
* Language: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia
* Education: Farquhar Polytechnic majoring in "Stage Choreography for Integrated Resort Cabarets"
* Career: Never had one
* Awards: Best Story Telling Award (consecutively from Pr 1 to Pr 8 Mono) in Pulau Ubin Primary School
* Role: Field Reporter
* Portrayed by:Alaric Tay
* Seasons: 1, 2
* Note: Chichak speaks with a nasal sound.Characters of Suhaimi Yusof
Jojo Joget
* Name: Jojo Joget
* Role: Field Reporter
* Portrayed by:Suhaimi Yusof
* Seasons: 2
* Note:References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.