Aaron Farrugia

Aaron Farrugia

name = Aaron Farrugia

imagesize =
order = Education Secretary
term_start = August 2008
birth_date = birth date and age|1980|01|01|age: 28
birth_place = St.Julian's, Malta
nationality = Maltese
party = Partit Laburista
religion = Roman Catholic
residence = Ta' Xbiex
profession = Economist

Aaron Farrugia (born January 1, 1980) is a Maltese economist and politician. He is currently the Education Secretary of the Malta Labour Party, elected in August 2008.


Furthering his studies at the University of Malta, Aaron Farrugia graduated in November 2002 with an Honours Degree in Commerce and Finance (Thesis entitled “Foreign Direct Investment in Malta – A Review of Measures of Attraction and Problems in Implementation”). Also graduated in December 2005, with a Masters Degree in European Economics, Politics and Law from the European Documentation and Research Centre at the University of Malta. This same degree awarded Aaron Farrugia due honor, especially with his second thesis; “Welfare Policy Reforms in Contemporary Europe: The Ideological Shift in the European Social Democrat Parties”.


Farrugia joined the local Labour party committee at the age of 16. During his course of studies at the University of Malta, he was also an active member of Pulse – a Social Democrat student organisation. At the same time Pulse attained positive results’ within the students’ elections, he occupied the posts of Financial Secretary and later on of Secretary General.

It was during his last year at the University of Malta that he joined the Labour Youth Forum (Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti) where he held the post of Vice President. He later on was elected President from the Annual General Conference in 2002 until February 2004.

In 2004 Farrugia was also involved in the National Youth Council where he kept his full term for a whole year. In March 2005, he contested the Ta’ Xbiex Local Council elections and was elected Deputy Mayor, becoming one of the youngest in Malta to occupy such post. About two years later in January 2007, Aaron Farrugia returned to his post as President of the Labour Youth forum where he led the youth section of the Labour party during the General election of 2008.

Farrugia led several FZL delegations in conferences both locally and abroad. Appointed by the the Leader of the Party he was part of the working group that designed MLP’s new policy with regards to the European Union. He represented FZL at the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party twice, between 2002 and 2004 and between 2007 and 2008.

He was elected Education Secretary of the Labour Party in August 2008.

He also writes various articles on a regular basis for local newspapers.


http://hi5.com/friend/111564894--Aaron--Profile-html /


External links

* http://www.l-orizzont.com/news.asp?newsitemid=45649
* http://younglabour.blogspot.com/2008/07/joseph-muscat-irid-liz-zghazagh-fuq.html
* http://www.independent.com.mt/news.asp?newsitemid=72416
* http://www.mlp.org.mt/content.aspx?cnt=content&p=12
* http://www.grajjietmalta.com/Elezzjoni%20ghall%20Amministrazzjoni%20Laburista.html
* http://br-eeze.com/archive/index.php?t-1601.html
* http://www.maltastar.com/pages/msrv/msFullArt.asp?an=23023

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