David Brickner

David Brickner

David Brickner (born September 29, 1958) is an ordained Christian Baptist minister[1] who has been head of the Christian missionary group Jews for Jesus since 1996.[2] Brickner was born and raised in Beverly, Massachusetts.


Family background

Although his father was Jewish, Bricker is not Jewish according to Jewish law as his mother was not Jewish.[3]

Brickner married Patti Vasaturo in 1979, they have two children, Isaac and Ilana.[1]


  • 1981 Graduated Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Diploma in Jewish and Modern Israel Studies
  • 1986 Northeastern Illinois University in conjunction with Spertus College of Judaica B.A. in Judaica, Minor in Music
  • 1994 Fuller School of World Mission, Pasadena, CA M.A. in Missiology, Concentration in Jewish Evangelism/Judaic Studies


Brickner began his career as a missionary with the Chicago branch of Jews for Jesus. He led the New York City branch until May 1996, then was elected by a council of his peers the organization's second executive director. He has spent his entire career as a missionary.[citation needed]

Controversial statements

Brickner was reported to have said on 17 August 2008 that the deaths in the Jerusalem bulldozer attack were “God’s punishment” for Jews having failed to convert to Christianity.[4][5] The comments created further controversy because they were made at the Wasilla Bible Church, where Sarah Palin is a member; Palin was chosen a week later to be the Republican candidate for vice-president in the United States presidential election, 2008.[5][6] Political analysts speculated that Brickner's remarks would cause the Republicans to lose Jewish voters.[7] In an interview with NBC news David Brickner responded to this assessment of his guest speech by saying "That's not what I was saying ... That's not what I believe. The violence is evidence that sin has marred our human condition and because of sin and non belief, God's judgment rests on all humanity."[4][8]


  • Mishpochah Matters: The Jewish Way to Say Family : Speaking Frankly to God's Family, 1996
  • Future Hope, 1999
  • Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles, 2006
  • Christ in the Feast of Pentecost, 2008

Musical albums produced

  • Times and Seasons 1986
  • Music for Messiah Live 1989
  • Messianic Music Festival 1991
  • Yeladim for Y'shua 1991
  • He Will Return 1991
  • Psalms of a Modern David 1991
  • David's Hope 1997


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